You probably did not notice, your parent either, your grandpas? Nah! This stuff has been rolling over and over again for centuries, a process that is so calcified in our culture and behaviors that pass today unobserved. But it's, and has always been, just under our noses. Your body and soul have been stolen at the moment you landed on earth from your mother's waters. They slapped your tiny ass, make you cry, and give you to your mum's sweet arms. That's how it started for the majority of us. Born as slaves!
At the time of registration in the public records a transformation of reality is created, acquiring --through deception by whatever State Inc. was managing that hospital-- the ownership of the child/children, who will be entrusted to the parents for care and maintenance, vested with parental responsibility, according to the rules dictated by the Dispositor (State Inc.). A legal artifact is also created, a puppet or strawman, a subject bankrupt (owned by others and an eternal debtor because he is saddled with an artificial public debt). This new legal subject (ALLCAPS) is affixed to the newborn, who unknowingly wears the mask of the "Person" (In Title Case) from a living man/woman (in lowercase), holder of universal claims, is transformed into the guarantor of the legal entity in bankrupt condition and burdened with debts, which the natural living man/woman will have to indemnify.
Consequently, the living man/woman, clothed in the capacity of a person, will find himself/herself forced throughout his/her life to work (labor = toil) to repay, through taxes, an unquenchable debt because it is inherently unquenchable and enslaving. In practice, with birth registration, an unconscious transfer of the child's property has taken place vis-à-vis passed off to the State Inc., no longer a holder of rights but subject to duties, eternal debtor (debt = sin/original debt = original sin) from both, administrative and criminal law.
Parental ignorance thus results in the termination of the rights of ownership of one's son/daughter and consequent loss of parental authority, which, as we have seen, becomes transforms into parental responsibility under strict control of the new owner (State Inc.), which can intervene in the child's upbringing (administration of the property) at its own discretion and, if its guidelines are not followed, it can even go so far as to take the child/children away from the parents. On the right column of Part I Series A of the Birth Certificate, it can be read that a Mr. John Doe "declarant" appears before the Registrar where, in the presence of two witnesses, declares the birth, at a certain time, at a certain location and by such a puerpera, of a male/female child to whom he assigns a name.
Do keep in mind that parental figures never appear, the terms of father and mother are not given, and the person who notifies the birth is a "registrant", not the father (this may be an individual other than the biological father, e.g. example, a witness to the birth). Consequently, if the mother does not claim ownership within the time period specified by law, the "property" is the property of the person who found it, namely the first figure with whom in infant came in contact, thus, the midwife, who, being an official of the state, causes the latter to take possession of it by claiming ownership.
In confirmation of this, it can be noted that the Officer states that the child is not presented to him, but of his birth he has ascertained through the certificate issued by the midwife or doctor. Finally, declarant and witnesses, through their own signatures, actually affirm that a child whose parents are unknown has been born and, if the declarant is the father, who mistakenly believes that he is implementing the recognition of his child, accepts the assumption of responsibility for its custody and care (instead of the property as it should firstly be). At the same time, on the other column, separated by a continuous line that splits the contents between the two sections, the subject is "born" the legal person/physical person John Doe, of whom the registrant becomes the custodian.
The consequence of incorrect and biased registration entails that when a child is removed from the family, legally the removal of custody takes place, confirming that the child is in the care of the parents but is not owned by them, but by the State Inc.. In the failure to mention the parents on the Birth Deed, therefore, the bloodline is not even recognized. Basically, the infant turns out to be in the condition of an orphan. The municipality, which through the Birth Deed has created the legal entities associated with the newborn, transmits the documentation to the Administrative Entity and at the same time, the Internal Revenue Service assigns to the debtor legal entity the relevant Tax Code, of which the child is, for life, the compensator.
We always say, my baby, my child, my whatever other human you think it's yours... Obviously, I'm not talking about private property over other human beings. Official slavery ended time ago, but there's still another heretic one in place just under your nose. Do you smell it? Open your eyes, wake up, take responsibility (for yourself first), read whatever document you are signing and never sign near an X, never again... Even if you read it, make sure you understand the meaning of the words passing through your brain. If you really want to understand the meaning behind those weird legalese words, consider studying maritime law, common law and most important, natural law.
Many people reading this good post will be hit by their deep cognitive dissonance...
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @mo OP 15 Apr
That's the goal! It's probably too complicated to be easily explained, for cognition to digest an intricate process like this. And this is just a little part of the whole complex system that has been put in place. There's so much more to write about, hope to find an easy way to understand it first and clearly explain it to make it understandable for the dummies.
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @javier 15 Apr
Only 0.0001% of the population can understand your post, and I am proudly one of them.
I must tell you, the system of registration of babies is not natural law, it is a scam, and as such one can reclaim null contract and damages at any point. If a big chunk of us would do that, an incredible revolution would happen that would liberate humanity for ever.
100 sats \ 12 replies \ @Lux 14 Apr
debt = sin/original debt = original sin
good thing we are liberated, but very few know the teachings of Christ
man, when you dive deeper you realize that's a metaphor too... Some people just like to play with words!
oh yes, but also the truth in law. the Bible is a contract and people at the highest positions take oaths on it. bible verses have the highest standing in law documents
11 sats \ 0 replies \ @anna 16 Apr
I am definitely interested in the concept of reclaiming sovereignty. I’ve done a lot to remove myself from contracts and debts, etc. but ultimately I still signed a contract to purchase my land. From a practical standpoint, how do we get out of this old system and still function in society? Genuinely curious
0 sats \ 4 replies \ @nym 14 Apr
Interesting perspectives. Is that sovereign citizen theory?
More than a theory, it's a fact! DYOR, a citizen will never be sovereign. This terminology you use -sovereign citizen- is something the media came up with trying to make fun and "categorizing" these weird people claiming weird things going against the law.
Interesting fact I didn't know, thanks for sharing it
106 sats \ 0 replies \ @mo OP 14 Apr
This is just a description of the facts. Hope it help you dive deeper and understand why you feel the need to fulfil your shitizen obligations and duties.
sovereign citizen theory
There's no such thing as "sovereign" citizen. That is a bullshit term invented by the "masters" ins disguise to create a false impression about sovereign people.
You cannot be sovereign and citizen in the same time. Citizen means employee of a city, aka slave of a corporation. Sovereign is sovereign individual. Do not mix these terms, or you will fall into disgrace of ignorance. The meaning of each word is very important.