What you are about to see and read may appear unbelievable for some of you. But this is the state of affairs in Spain, a country often labeled as a communist nation in South-Europe.
A few years ago, an elderly man was fast asleep in his house at 2:30 am when a criminal, with 45 previous records of violence and not native to Spain, broke into the dwelling with the intent to rob. The old man woke up, and as a result, the criminal attempted to attack him. Fortunately, the elderly gentleman had a hunting weapon and was able to use it against the assailant, ultimately killing the criminal and saving his life.
What would have been a joyous ending in a civilized country has turned into a living nightmare for the old man in Spain. Here, it is literally against the law to defend yourself or your property with a weapon that holds more power than the one wielded by the criminal. This means if a criminal attacks you with a stick, you can only defend yourself with a stick and not something more formidable like a knife or gun, even if you're an elderly man up against a young, strong attacker. As a result, the old man now faces a 7-year prison sentence and a fine of 235,000€ (which he will never be able to pay).
If you find this unjust, prepare yourself for an even worse law: Spain is well-known in Europe for allowing people to occupy houses that do not belong to them without the permission of the rightful owner. It gets even crazier - if the new occupant does not pay the electricity and gas bills, you are still obligated to foot those expenses. After more than two years of tribunal proceedings (if you're lucky), there is a chance the court might return your house back to you, but by that point, the illegal occupant will have already moved on and taken over another dwelling. If you try to evict these squatters by force, you'll end up in jail. Thousands of elderly people are forced to live with relatives in Spain due to this issue, unable to reclaim their homes from the criminals.
I understand it's hard to believe but trust me; it's true.
Now, why does this happen? The answer is simple: Spain has a ratio of approximately 30% of its people living in poverty and unable to afford even the lowest rental prices for homes. Of course, they live in poverty because Spain is a full-blown socialist country moving rapidly towards communism, with an estimated real unemployment rate of around 30% and a significant reliance on tax revenue from working citizens. Additionally, they receive extra funding from the European Union, mostly Germany and other northern countries.
In order to prevent millions of people from being homeless, their solution is to allow poverty-stricken individuals to effectively steal homes from successful citizens in the past or those who are too old and vulnerable to defend themselves.
These are the consequences of both socialism and fiat money, as well as widespread ignorance and cowardice from taxpayers who unknowingly support these policies. People in more affluent countries in Europe should be aware that the only reason Spain has not yet collapsed into a full-blown Venezuela or Argentina is because your taxes are helping to keep it afloat. You're inadvertently funding our communism, and as the situation worsens, your countries will face similar challenges. Keep in mind that we are all connected - if Spain falls into complete chaos, it won't be long before the rest of Europe follows suit.
Now the video:
Elderly Man: I'm not going to leave my house, and I will defend it. I don't know how I'll defend it, but I'm not going to run away from it. I'd rather die in my house than flee and leave it in the hands of some criminals. Judge: That's why I tell you, the purpose was that you were protecting your house, and then directly to you yourself, but what worried you is that you wouldn't leave your house. Elderly Man: I'm not leaving my house. Judge: That's it. The main defense was your home. Elderly Man: Exactly. Judge: Well, that's what I told you. Elderly Man: It's because (the house) is what humans manage to achieve after a long life of struggle, sacrifice, effort, and passions. Having a place where you feel protected because it's yours. And according to the constitution, because it's inviolable
this territory is moderated
This is exactly the case, but people never learn.
Thanks for sharing this. Interesting and very sad.
I'd be very curious to know more about how much of the economic transactions that take place in Spain, actually take place on the black market. I know there's a high unemployment rate, but are all these people actually unemployed, or are they just working under the table? Do people buy and sell without it being recorded by the government?
Last time I checked, it was estimated 35%, but this is very difficult to say. It was higher 30 years ago (like 50%), and we were in better shape in general. But new technology is helping the tax office to routinely and effectively denounce and extort citizens at higher rates. It is well known that Spain has the worst tax office in the world, half of the time acting illegally, but they are impune to justice.
That's why I think Bitcoin represents a hope for Spaniards. Only if they wake up...
Sounds like america, especially california!
If only it were confined to California. That guy in Wisconsin just got convicted for defending himself against being attacked by a group of teenagers.
Oh, really? I thought the midwest was a bit better than the coasts. Maybe I was wrong.
Some of it is. I wouldn't expect stories like this from Indiana, for instance.
There are a lot of issues with the police though. Now they are becoming less funded, they are becoming more disgruntled.
People are becoming aware that the police aren't there to help them.
Yes, and this awareness is making the police do things they wouldnt have thought of doing before. In the past, they were corrupt, but everyone knew it. Now they act like they are clean, but are dirtier than before.
I heard California is also going full socialism. How are things there?
Thank god I am not in California. The last time I visited SF, it was still nice. Now I hear the homeless and pee everywhere, and marijuana is legal, making it stink even worse.
  • cameras everywhere, and tickets already get issued automatically. not a frequent event yet.
  • people petition to remove homeless from their neighborhoods. the homeless are not yet aggressive, but just like the police, are becoming disgruntled.
  • colorful people are everywhere.
  • we play a game: "homeless - not homeless" guessing the status of passersby on the street.
  • the weather is still nice. chemtrails are frequent, but not yet a sore to the eyes. Mount Shasta's skies are really bad.
Socialism and also Spanish language is more prevalent
I remember reading this news, I am Spanish, and the occupation and crime in this country are skyrocketing, with a communist government that does nothing and really wants this, a divided and highly taxed Spain, where private property does not mean anything.
This is exactly the case. But it is also how Venezuela started. Which is very worrying.
299 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 14 Apr
Saner countries like the US should give the judges and prosecutors in cases like this lifetime entry bans.
Why on earth would you allow someone into your country that is so psychotic they put an 83 year old man in prison for defending yourself? Countries routinely reject all kinds of criminals from entry, regardless of whether their home country considered the criminal act, criminal. This is no different.
It's like Darth said, because gov is not really interested in people, but in themselves. The reasons they allow this I explained in the post. It's because thare are so many poor not able to have a house that they let them steal it, so they don't have a revolution in the streets.
The elderly man is doing exactly what he must do.
That's right. But the judge is not.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @OT 14 Apr
I think there are similar rules in Australia. Not good
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @gmd 14 Apr
This makes me so angry. No fucking common sense they want civilized countries to descend back into the dark ages.
Spain is one of the last ~3 countries in Europe left with a wealth tax. It has the highest out of them all.
It was previously a regionalized wealth tax, and the region of Madrid was the only one with 0% wealth tax.
They added a "temporary" federal wealth tax (for 2023, 2024) that applies everywhere and cannot be avoided. It's called the "solidarity" tax on grand fortunes - in a way to have solidarity for the high inflation and difficulty of making ends meet of most people.
This was apparently introduced through an amendment to another law, bypassing detailed parliamentary discussion. People have raised concerns about potential violations of constitutional rights, such as political representation and self-imposition.
It is beyond obvious that this wealth tax will be extended temporarily again and ultimately apply forever.
Now that you know what will happen, depending on the state of your "justice system": Keep in mind these people will probably not be missed and there will never be much effort to investigate. If you are a hunter, you have the knowledge of how to eliminate the evidence. If you've ever made bone broth, even large bones like femur will crumble into shards if you simmer them long enough. Just don't talk to anyone, ever. It's fine to be a martyr at 83, but not when you have a family depending on you.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Neo 14 Apr
What a clown world. People need to raise up.
This is the state of affairs in Spain. If any law makes sense, it's probably not Spanish!
The Spanish government simply doesn't respect the citizens' rights. This is the simple truth of the matter - history shows this over and over.
Keep in mind, even unsuppressed gunfire is difficult to hear to the untrained ear if you aren't in the same building. If you are in a detached dwelling, the neighbors probably won't even wake up, or at the very least won't recognize it as gun shots.
This makes my blood boil, I don't usually watch the news but this is unfair. What a reputation the country earns with this kind of conduct, I don't want to imagine what more decay will happen in the future.
0 sats \ 6 replies \ @nym 14 Apr
Overpopulation is going to have lot of negative impacts in the coming years.
overpopulation is a globalist myth.
LOL what is this nonsense? "overpopulation" is just a buzzword invented by the eugenistics fuckers, to make you feel guilty because you exist. Don't make their game. There's no such thing as overpopulation and this case have nothing to do with overpopulation.
That's right, there are large zones in Spain totally underpopulated with plenty of resources. But nobody wants to exploit the resources because the fucking gov takes 75% of whatever you do. So intelligent people always go out to a better country, leaving the country with only either people trapped because of personal attachments, or morons that live out of subsidies.
I'd argue that people also stay because after all Spain is a fantastic place. Warm and friendly people, incredible culture and history and natural beauty and climate. I think it's easy to see the bad and forget the good. Having said that, this situation you've outlined certainly is concerning.
If you think about it, "paradises" are the first places to be attacked for a reason.
It's not about over population, it is about socialism. There is plenty of space in Spain for 100x the population.