Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
11 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 14 Apr
We have a routine of ordering Columbian Bunuelos on the weekends. I could eat a living room full of these things.
Just for that I will use the ñ (copy&paster) in my only 'en' keyboard, Buñuelos. Take care of your health hahaha, there are consequences.
I've been lurking and prowling outside for a long time now, but I finally signed up and now here I am inside getting cosy. It's a beautiful thing you've all created.
Are you just going to live in the saloon or are you going to prowl the territories as well?
Trying to stop me prowl the territories would be like herding cats, no limits here.
You know what would go great with your name, then? Downzapping garbage content.
We'd finally have a SaloonCat keeping down the pests in these parts.
Thank you, cowboy!
do saloon cats sit on stools, or right on the bar?
Curiousity does get the better of us sometimes and lead to reckless bar sitting, but as you know there's more security in laying low under the table.
130 sats \ 2 replies \ @Zed 13 Apr
Keep on dropping baby!
41 sats \ 0 replies \ @gmd 13 Apr
something happen? or is this response to the Iran-Israel conflict?
at least shitcoins are getting hammered on the ratio lol
A quiet saloon, your absence echoes loudly, searching for you @ek
95 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 14 Apr
Life taken to live Inceptions of waking up Joy post nightmares?
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 14 Apr
At long last!
Even the stacker he is calling out called him out…. lol
241 sats \ 2 replies \ @k00b 13 Apr
I originally hid myself from top to give other stackers more visibility. Now I hide myself from top because I spend embarrassing amounts of money.
I only do so because the rest of the crowd is. As good an excuse as “you started it”, but it feels strange standing out amongst many anons.
That's no excuse.
52 sats \ 0 replies \ @Car 13 Apr
Bitcoin only 🤙Onward
am I the only one find it strange that why clothes these days are trying to show others everywhere, but showing too much is cheap not sexy… agree?
now I'm tempting to pick up some sewing skills so to make whatever I want. 😂
Fashion works in cycles too. You’re a few years ahead of everyone else but it’ll go that where you’re thinking too. More coverage, more colours, more classy & more traditional - the industry always needs more new styles to sell.
timeless, unique and meaningful 👀
They're just trying to pitch shrinkflation as fashion.
and they also called it feminism 😂 good thing that I'm surrounded by good role models:)
But, you've been empowered to pay more money for skimpier clothes.
why would I do that 😂
also now I see why all the clothes these days are trying so hard or exaggerate in general, because the base is artificial - massive produced by machines, so ppl can only complete with the design ( and marketing ); and I just got some handwoven fabric from weavers, really don't need to do much and they are already beautiful, nothing beats POW!
it's like you are meeting someone with tons of makeup VS someone with naturally beautiful skin.
Day 117 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 649 sats on 12Apr2024! Running total: 78,900 sats!
Good morning partners!!! The weekend is here and what a beautiful day, sun is shinning, birds are chirping and the beers are cold, hope your week was productive and successful, now sit back and relax, enjoy the weekend my friend, you've earned it, the week went quite fast so let's recharge this weekend and spend it doing things we like to do, just go for it, I'm proud of you my friend and I wanted to let you know that you're important and what you do matters, keep up keeping up, have a phenomenal day and may it be filled with joy and love. As always, be well and stay frosty.
Nice one buddy!!! Enjoy it and give yourself a treat, perhaps a cold one or a nice steak or both haha! Have a great day!
you, too!
77 days of 100 push ups a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go. 73 days of 100 squats a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go.
Good morning stackers.
Day 76 of 100 push ups till $100k completed.
It was cloudy and raining yesterday morning, but the weather turned really nice in the afternoon. Ended up going for a run and it felt great getting hit by the gentle late afternoon sunlight.
Not in my neck of the woods. Rain for the past 2.5 half days. Oh well, April showers bring May flowers as they say.
"April showers bring May flowers", first time hearing that, I like that one.
You have never heard that? Very common saying.
English is not my first language. There are probably a lot of common English sayings that I have never heard of.
272 sats \ 1 reply \ @Zed 13 Apr
I’ve become more self aware since joining. Every time I post or comment ive got you guys in my head like this.
That’s good though! It helps me be a better version of myself.
50 sats \ 0 replies \ @Car 13 Apr
Revocation Of Election - Your Ticket Out of Tax Slavery
52 sats \ 0 replies \ @mo 13 Apr
love the notes at the end 😆 should be standardized
Day 78 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 5x25 normal/narrow Total: 125 (Day 182 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 81 of 120+ pushups per day)
Weekend yard work….
Downzap has quickly become one of my favorite features on SN. I'm sure one day I'll regret ever having used it at all.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @Kontext 13 Apr
What exactly does a downzap do?
depending on circumstances it can affect the visibility of posts and comments.
Day 13 of my daily posting journey in the MSM era. previously: #502003 🤠⚡

42 sats \ 1 reply \ @joelaw 13 Apr
Well howdy!
Done did the whole week now Im a workin' on duh weekend.
Might dust off and hop on the 'ol unicycle, we shall see.
Hello everyone, I hope your day is fruitful today.
26 sats \ 0 replies \ @Zed 13 Apr
And you as well!
Happy Saturday Stackers ⚡☕🧡
Gonna rest and water the herd. Looks like an easy day, but are there really any easy days for go getters?
Tech cartoon: The paper clip maximizer
Valar morghulis
252 sats \ 28 replies \ @Lux 13 Apr
they didn't steal only the gold
They'll rob you of your soul if they can, but people don't realize anything, that's the real problem.
Wrong, they will not rob you until you (or someone else for you) give them permissions to
It’s not a robbery then, is it?
That's true, but being a baby, you don't have a choice.
there're always a solution, and no reason to be angry, upset or victim with them -- govs are here to serve us, people, not the other way around.
Well, the truth is that we, people, sign papers without even knowing what we are signing, most of the time, without even reading what is there. Usually someone else tells you, sign near the X, and at that moment, you just agreed to be screwed! Everytime, every document, also birth certificates. So here the one to blame are not the govs, but the ignorant (meaning they ignore the meaning of words) people that voluntarily continue to feed this show
I think about all the signed, unread EULAs out there in the world. Every service contract or "agreement." Think about how important it is for companies to get you to sign without reading or thinking. Are you really in agreement of you blind sign things? You agree to slavery.
I wanted to write a step-by-step guide about how to regain control of "yourself" from this atrocity they created.
I see many people lost in the statism chains but many do not want to be free. So why I should bother to show them the path if they do not want to listen?
42 sats \ 2 replies \ @Lux 13 Apr
Darth c'mon, this is like saying you wouldn't write all your guides because there are shitcoiners out there 😂😂 I think you should do it, bring balance to the force
idk man, is quite a long article and is necessary to present a lot preambles. People usually only want quick "solutions" or like use this monopoly "get out free jail card".
I kinda lost hope that people will ever understand the huge implications in knowing the truth.
Even your today's pill, not so many will consider it so important, but only those two phrases is the base of the whole lie that we living today. For many, revealing this truth will be like frying their brains, and they are afraid of that, many prefer to just be obedient sheeps and live under "gov protection". Is really sad.
I wanted to write a step-by-step guide about how to regain control of "yourself" from this atrocity they created.
👀👀👀 I would love to read this hardcore guide, and I can chip in how to free yourself from "your country".
303 sats \ 1 reply \ @orthwyrm 13 Apr
Day 364 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
302 sats \ 0 replies \ @mango 13 Apr
Day 145 of horseposting
Horse stance: 1 minute
(Got some lower back pain. Didn't want to push it.)
One more skill learned, the more free you are.
"No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man." - Heraclitus
Happy Saturday!
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @suraz 13 Apr
Happy Saturday!! Enjoy :)
Happy Saturday partner!
Yet another superhuman parenting tale today. Trying to have my breakfast while feeding my boy bread with my left hand AND giving my girl a card to entertain herself with using my right hand. Never a quiet moment in parenting
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @suraz 13 Apr
So many parenting responsibilities. Yet we have to find happiness inside it.
big snail :)
This is udder bull.
Deer eat all our plants, except for those in our vegetable garden. The fence around the garden is so high now it's starting to look like a maximum security prison. We are trying this electric eye device that supposedly emits a high pitched sound to stop the deer from eating all our plants. I doubt it will work.
it's happening siggy...
41 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 13 Apr
I watched this movie. When it was on our screen I could see deer in our yard. Pretty weird and apocalyptic. Spoiler- The tv show "friends" is involved in the surprise ending. I'm not saying it's a good movie. I'll watch just about anything when I'm bored.
Consider building a hay stall for deer as your summer project :)
190 sats \ 10 replies \ @zana 13 Apr
Day 3 on SN, 811 sats stacked. I'm still clueless about what to post here. Any idea, guys??
Browse through different territories aswell, don't just stick to the home page. ~Music would love to hear what songs you want to share.
Okay. Thank you so much ☺️
You'll probably do better by being authentic than by chasing sats.
I started out mostly commenting on other people's posts. As I started having questions that I wanted stackers to weigh-in on, I started making those into discussion posts.
Basically, if you read what interests you, zap generously #287074, and say what you want to say, you'll start stacking sats.
50 sats \ 2 replies \ @zana 14 Apr
Thank you so much. Your's optimal zapping post is very informative. Lots of ideas now.
I'm glad it helped.
Another note that might help is that Stacker News is still a pretty small community, so your reputation will develop pretty quickly as you engage with people. @cryotosensei had a post about that recently and he has lots of good advice for people getting started.
Thanks for getting me to find my post.
Glad to reveal all my trade secrets, @zana 😜
Just look through the photos on your phone and post one on ~Photography. It’s quite easy to recoup the 21sats posting fee. That’s what I do every morning haha
Hihi :) thank you so much. Thinking to do same.
91 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 13 Apr
Just tell us about your life. It's probably best to avoid too many personal details for privacy. How's your bitcoin journey coming along? Are you learning a lot?
Thank you for your concern. It's going good. Learning alot. I have a busy schedule these days, so... SN is a really good place to earn some sats and learn about different things. Thank you for the idea. 
Good morning big man!