In what appears to be aiding in the training of Grok, Elon Musk's newl AI Chatbot, a user has recently undertaken an endeavor to become an AI Tutor for X, a position characterized by a vague job description. The application process, as detailed on the X careers page (, emphasizes the requirement for exceptional writing skills and expertise in one's respective field. Remember that LLMs cannot just scrape off copyrighted content from the web and that's why many ai companies building LLMs are hiring experts in various fields to train their models.
While Elon Musk has previously criticized remote work as unjust for the "laptop class" (, exceptions seem to exist, with this opportunity potentially falling under such a category. Managed by a third-party entity, Greenhouse, the application process raises concerns about data handling and privacy implications.
According to the Greenhouse Privacy Policy, X retains control over applicant data, with Greenhouse acting solely as a processor of said data. In turn, X's Privacy Policy (effective 9/29/23) suggests that applicant information may be utilized to train machine learning and artificial intelligence models (, potentially including Grok.
This scenario prompts speculation about the future implications of such practices, wherein employers amass candidate data for both selection purposes and machine learning enhancement. The user questions whether this signifies a future where personal data, even when anonymized, is utilized to train and refine AI technologies, subsequently sold back to the public.
With the potential for thousands of applicants vying for the Remote AI Tutor role, the user ponders the implications of widespread participation, particularly given Elon Musk's vast social media reach, which likely amplifies the applicant pool.
Ultimately, it appears that X stands to benefit from this arrangement, while the broader societal ramifications remain ambiguous. While I don't have anything against Elon, one should not use someone's data without transparently and explicitly stating that it will be used for training LLMs.
Are you serious? 🤯
Yes, please check the referred links and decide for yourself.
The links wouldn't open.
My bad! I am unable to edit the post. This is my first time writing a post. Will be careful next time. Will share links if possible.