I won't lie. I still have an active account on reddit. However, I had left it a long time ago. I, personally don't view it as an alternative to SN, but I am open to listen your thoughts.
It's not only reddit but there are some other similar platforms with similar 'thread like' discussion forum. I would like to place 'Quora' in the same category but it lacks any association with a specific community. Quora is more diverse, universal and is not limited to one aspect.
I am no critic and don't want to say that SN is becoming more or less a 'Bitcoin forum'. But as things stand, it isquite visible that other topics that are worth discussing are getting less acceptance here.
To be precise, my curiosity levels are stuck on these -
  • Has SN been formed to serve Bitcoin only Community?
  • Should SN get above this Bitcoin only approach so as to get universal acceptance?
  • **Is there an SN Alternative where we can discuss and use 'zap like feature'?
Now you can dart me for I dare to ask an alternative for SN.
TBH, I tried to find out but failed. There's nothing like SN.
It's funny, I like it here a lot. But I never got into reddit at all. I assume they are quite similar?
Wanna know your thoughts?
Should I delete this?
I think it is a super important conversation.
Quote from the SN guide:
Content That Gets Ignored Generally speaking, referral links, repetitive content, and posts that are not related to Bitcoin, Nostr, or tech tend to be ignored by the Stacker News community.
Why is this written here. Its like telling people this is a bitcoin only space. I do not like this.
Thanks. You really understood my pain.
Delete this post? No.
I mean nobody's answering that 'is it Bitcoin only' platform?
Yes, true. I have searched the entire web for hours.
I am really curious about this as well. I love stacker and I want to make a real investment of energy here but I still have fear. In particular I wonder if it's going to be around for a long time. And is it for everyone or just bitcoiners? I want it to be for everyone.
I want it to be for everyone.
People need to understand how zapping Sats works. That is a technical hurdle that rules out participation by most people.
No, that's not a technical hurdle. I don't agree. Even if you are so noob who don't understand bitcoin, lightning and wallet, he can easily start to zap by posting/commenting for free until he gets enough and then he can zap back.
IMO, likes replaces by zaps is the best as you can't press it for umpteenth times instead you need to first earn if you want to zap.
I agree with you. I think even for someone who is not familiar with Bitcoin, zaps will simply encourage them to engage and not get caught up in scrolling. Seems like it will inherently build stronger communities
This is why I think stacker is so amazing for on boarding. People can come for free and engage and immediately start earning. Then, when it is time to withdrawal they can figure the lightning part out.
Yes šŸ‘
The same here. My words, your mouth! Bingo!
74 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 5 Apr
Can you point to high quality posts about other topics that aren't being discussed here?
Sorry boss the intention wasn't about pointing out high quality posts about other topics that aren't being discussed here.
I want it for everyone. I haven't seen any post regarding any other crypto project šŸ˜• why? Because when somebody does, there are people who come and start saying foul words to you. Why can't we be little more tolerant with someone who isn't on the right path, after all it will be better if we get more newcomers around us.
There's nothing wrong if we want to remain bitcoin only. I just want to be clear.
110 sats \ 0 replies \ @anna 5 Apr
I would really like to see SN grow as an alternative to Reddit. Iā€™m still attached to the diversity of groups there but it feels increasingly moderated and narrow minded. I think SN has all the bones to be a better alternative if more topics of discussion are encouraged. And the use of sats seems like a plus to me, to encourage high quality posts and discourage bots
You tryna start something?! šŸ˜Ž
Nostr if you follow a bunch of bitcoiners from around the world.