Help! Non-toxic maxis, how do you handle the shitcoiner at your meetup? I anticipate most of the comments to this post will be ultra-toxic memes, which is fine, albeit kind of tired. However, if you're not toxic, I'd really like your input on this situation.
The meetup I run with someone else consciously doesn't mention being Bitcoin-only in hopes of (and we have done this successfully a number of times) finding young shitcoiners before they get burned. Last night, I had my first outspoken, true believing, and not-at-all new shitcoiner come to the meetup. He was hard to wrangle, pretty knowledgable, and one other guest even started to address their questions to him. I think I held my own with the help of a few other maxis, but I want as many tools in my pocket to deal with this guy in the future. I'm not bad at debating, but I don't want to waste all my time sparring with a guy like this or just looking looking insecure by saying we need to move on. In particular, he was REALLY into Coinbase as a platform and actively discouraged self-custody. I always want to end with the facts, but he was pretty obnoxious about always trying to weasel in one last statement.
Again, I know most of the responses are going to be, "just put Bitcoin-only language into the advertising," or "embarrass the guy into submission," the latter of which is really just bitcoiner cancel-culture, and the former not being appropriate for my beginner group. My group specifically exists to spread awareness and education in a city that desperately needs, and is mostly not even aware of Bitcoin. Given those goals and my stubborn take on advertising, does anyone have some solid advice on shitcoiner wrangling?