This painting of a young woman breastfeeding an elderly man in a prison cell was sold for 30 million euros. The painting may seem perverse, but the story behind it is from historical records.
The poor man was condemned to "starve to death" for stealing a bundle of bread during the reign of Louis XIV in France. The woman was his only daughter and the only visitor to his cell. He was allowed to visit every day, but he was registered in such a way that no food was given.
When after 4 months the man was still surviving without losing weight, the authorities were perplexed and began to spy on her in the cell and to her complete astonishment they found her breastfeeding her father to the fullest by sharing her baby's milk. The judges then, upon realizing the woman's compassion and love for her father, forgave the father and released him.
This piece of history brings into focus how deep a woman's compassion runs in our daily lives that men often ignore.
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This is how John Steinbeck's book, The Grapes of Wrath, ends. A young woman who recently lost a baby breast feeds a starving old man.