Let's hear all your best fun facts, any topic counts!
The best comment as voted by the "top" filter at 9am CT tomorrow gets 10,000 sats.
Bonus sats for including a source link to your fun fact!
If you missed our last edition, here are lots of fun facts stackers shared.
Send your best šŸ‘‡
10,000 sats paid
Did you know BIP39 had a 5th author who removed himself? Thomas Voegtlin(creator of Electrum) removed himself from the authors after multiple disagreements with the BIP39 design.
If you are not aware there was quite a bit of drama on the Bitcoin mailing list around '13 when the standard was being proposed.
For context, Electrum was the 1st deterministic Bitcoin wallet that allowed for a BIP32 seed to be backed up into 12 words, and then came BIP39.
In all fairness BIP39 was kinda rushed, and even though valid criticism was provided regarding it's shortcomings, they were ignored.
Electrum has its own backup scheme that supports versioning & is not dependent on a dictionary, vastly superior IMO.
I didnā€™t. Thanks for this interesting post.
impressive! The planet doesn't give a fuck about us, we are just ants. And some of us are concerned that we can destroy the planet with our farts... In a moment the planet can "eat us" alive in such a hole.
Perspective is EVERYTHING!!!
I know about this. I just canā€™t decide whether this is funny or not :)

Toilet paper is one of the greatest inventions.

Toilet paper was invented by chinese, back to 600 AD. During the early 14th century, it was recorded that in what is now Zhejiang alone, 10M packages of 1,000 to 10,000 sheets of toilet paper were manufactured annually. During the Ming dynasty (1368ā€“1644 AD), it was recorded in 1393 that an annual supply of 720,000 sheets of toilet paper (approximately 2 by 3 ft (60 by 90 cm)) were produced for the general use of the imperial court at the capital of Nanjing.
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is the longest running live action sitcom ever.
I always wanted to watch it, but didn't had that "initial push" to start it. Maybe because I knew is so long. I need to find the torrents to download it. For this summer will be a good companion at my citadel work.
You don't have to watch it all either, a lot of the episodes stand on their own. 100% recommend though, especially for you DarthCoin; The show has very good dark and vulgar humor.
is like Louie, Louie ?
It's well worth the time. The seasons are also pretty short, so it doesn't take as long as you'd expect.
They are a bit "too edgy" at times in my opinion.
Yea I personally couldnā€™t deal with it. I know itā€™s very popular though
Tulips were deemed so valuable as a currency in 17th century Holland that they were traded on the Amsterdam stock exchange.
Source: An article from ā€œThe Straits Timesā€, Singaporeā€™s national daily
Bitcoin haters love to point to this example to bash Bitcoin, but they conveniently forget that the bubble only lasted a few months.

Perineum Sunbathing

As the name implies, perineum sunning is a practice that involves exposing your perineum to the sun for a short period of timeā€”usually 30 seconds to five minutes max. In case you skipped anatomy class, your perineum is the area between your balls and butthole. Or, in the case of women, the vulva and butthole.
According to metaphysicalmeagan Perineum sunning is an ancient Taoist practice that originated in the Far East. In Taoism, the perenium or Hui Yin is called the ā€œGate of Life and Death.ā€ This is a gateway where energy enters & exits the body.
šŸ‘The benefits of perineum sunning include: šŸŒž ā€¢It brings in prana or solar energy from the sun into the organs within the body which strengthens the organs. šŸŒž ā€¢Perineum sunning prevents against the leakage of chi or life force energy from the body. This in turn sustains health & longevity of the physical body. ā€¢Increases creativity and creative output. ā€¢Aids in a healthy libido & balanced sexual energy. Source https://tantricacademy.com/testicle-sunning/
This is very interesting, if you try to do a search all you find are heaps of MSM articles telling not to do it, which probably means it's a great thing to do šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
5 Bitcoin today are worth approximately 350,000 usd

Farthest eyeball pop (male) šŸ‘€

18.2 mm (0.71 in) by Sidney de Carvalho of Mesquita šŸ‡§šŸ‡·
That doesn't even look possible! freaky AF!
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53 sats \ 1 reply \ @Taft 29 Mar
The invention of the printing press in the 15th century revolutionized the way information was shared and challenged the control of information held by the Church the literary elite.
It was an act of freedom!!!
Act of freedom followed by centuries of bloody wars between catholics and everyone else.
Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated. They were first invented in 1843 when an Englishman named Thomas Hancock sliced up a rubber bottle.
Recently, I learned that giving birth is difficult for female hyenas, as the females give birth through their narrow clitoris. When giving birth, the clitoris ruptures to facilitate the passage of the young and may take weeks to heal. Source.
A painful fact, rather than a fun fact.
Studies have shown that mosquitoes may prefer type O blood
I'm always wondering what my blood type is as the little blighters love sucking my blood!
I've also heard that they have a preference for people who eat bananas šŸ˜‚
Oh no!
Your brain is constantly eating itself through aa process called Phagocytosis
Cool. This explains a lot :)
Objects in mirror are closer than they appear.
A song by Meatloaf?
A nested fun fact?
Iceland's landmass grows two centimeters per year because of its moving tectonic plates.
99.9999999% of all things is empty space, including our body. If we lost all the dead space inside our atoms, we would each be able to fit into a particle of dust. And the entire human species would fit into the volume of a sugar cube. Yep.
The supermajority in The Great State of Tennessee just made news vacating the board of it's only public HBCU after a $2 million audit showed no illegality or malfeasance.
The rub is, the board positions they are vacating are already appointed by the governor (8 out of 10 seats), so he's replacing his own appointees or those of his predecessor (both Republicans).
It is easier to fool a man than it is to convince a man he has been fooled. Samuel Clemens
We are never "touching" anything. šŸ¤”
"Stewardesses" is the longest word that is typed with only the left hand.
A shrimpā€™s heart is in its head.
If that wasnā€™t interesting enough, due to the nature of their open circulatory system, shrimp have no arteries so their organs just float around in blood!
If you stir a cup of coffee, it is a mathematical certainty that at least one of the molecules will end up in the same spot it was in before you stirred it.
Elvis's hair was used to extract DNA and then turned into music.
The vast majority of piston aircraft in the US still burn leaded gasoline, and 100LL (low lead) is the only gasoline avsilable at most airports.
The 2020 election was stolen! Trump is THE REAL President!
This is not the right territory.
If Trump himself actually believed that the election was stolen, there's no way in hell he would be running again. It's dangerous to have people like him spreading obvious lies for their own political gain in the highest offices.
What I just said above is not an endorsement of Biden. They all corrupt and/or incompetent on both sides.
Vote with your money by buying Bitcoin. Vote with your feet by moving to El Salvador.
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