I've been working on a simple merchant directory, not of which businesses accept or use Bitcoin, but more specific to (number one) Harmon Codes, as anyone around the World doing B2B that exports or imports, buys or sells wholesale refers to, why ?
Because it speeds up think of apple to apple you want to make sure your on the same page when communicating around the World buying or selling wholesale.
Number two
Over the last five years or so, many of the B2B suppliers, and customers of mine have been slow to accept Bitcoin, However I found a common ground that has helped both parties:
A. I have to try and actually help my customers, so I have to bring simple common ground solutions or attempts at solutions to the biggest issues, the main one is the devaluation of the fiat currencies both parties have to deal with in cross border payments.
(when they learn about the benefits of Bitcoin for the long term) Discussions speed up so cross referencing which cross fiat they are trying to compare with or will convert to or from is real world stuff.
Number three Logically merchants (it's in our blood) have to have actual phone conversations at some point, so if there is comfortable reference they want to publish (Telegram, TikTok, WhatsApp, LINE, Twitter whatever that will save a lot of time, some of the companies, people I deal with don't have a "website" but they might have seven thousands of followers on other social methods, keep in mind the goals are to sell a product at a profit daily, hourly, by the minute, in different time and day zones, cultures, languages etc.
Any advise, suggestions much appreciated, Rich
I sell things online for a living
I still feel that there mustn't be any hard thoughts on it. Any businessman want two things, one how to profit, second how to maximise his profit. If you can increase the use of simple phrase 'with Bitcoin, you can maximise your profits' in your interaction with customers, I am sure they will be more motivated, if not all but it will be a good number. Try it.
I feel like crossing the purposes of commerce and Bitcoin with the likes of Twitter is a step in the wrong direction.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 27 Mar
I wasn't aware of Harmon Codes:
Among industry classification systems, Harmonized System (HS) Codes are commonly used throughout the export process for goods. The Harmonized System is a standardized numerical method of classifying traded products. It is used by customs authorities around the world to identify products when assessing duties and taxes and for gathering statistics.
Is there a book you'd recommend reading to learn about how international trade works?

On Citadel Dispatch recently, the founder of Machankura mentioned the most common, yet underreported, use of bitcoin in Africa is import/export to escape capital controls.

I feel like bitcoin podcasters should find an importer/exporter that uses bitcoin and interview them. Is there someone in your industry that you think would be a good fit for this?
Thank you reaming my posting, I have to reply later in the week in detail, working right now, Aloha, Rich