If you could have any dinner guests you choose, who would they be?
Rules: Guests are not required to share all things, but they will give honest answers that they would not tell the general public. e.g., a former president might be a good idea but only if they are willing to answer openly. However, they are not required to give answers to all things like conspiracy theories.
I am going to give alive and dead separately
  1. Dirk Nowitzki. boring answer, but he was my sports hero for a long time and I'd love to throw some back with him.
  2. Ben Bernanke. Despite what people might think about his tenure as chairman of the fed, it would be fascinating to get his perspective on influence from politicians, pushback from other economists, so on and so forth. Also fascinating that he had to put his money where his mouth is. Most economists never see their theories play out on a large scale.
  3. Dave Chappelle. He would make for some great laughs and I think it would be interesting to get his perspective on certain things like race
Bonus: Ricky Gervais. Couldn't decide between him or Dave Chappelle.
  1. George Carlin. Same reason for Dave Chappelle, but I would also love to show him the various social media and let him speak his mind. Also, he is one of the few people who agrees with me that wearing headphones in public is trash.
  2. Milton Friedman.
  3. JM Keynes
Friedman and Keynes come as a pair. I'd love to be a fly on the wall for their conversation.
Bonus: one of the big religious figures, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, but I couldnt decide which one so I left them off. Honestly, would be fascinating to get Pontius Pilate's (or just some citizen of the time) side of things.
this territory is moderated
Alive: 1 Stephen King. Love his writing, and he's always seemed like a fun person to talk to. 2. Richard Dawkins. One of the great scientists and thinkers. 3. Billy Joel. My favorite singer for decades.
  1. Bill Hicks. Trying to avoid dupes, and he's tied with George Carlin as my favorite comic.
  2. Truman Capote. Supposedly one of the great dinner guests of all time, and man did he know some stories.
  3. Mary Shelley. Frankenstein alone would be enough, but throw in all the gossip she'd have about Byron, plus insight into her parents, plus her husband and Keats.
you'd have quite a literary dinner
That's why I'd love it!
This is a difficult question. For deceased category I think I would choose family members who have passed away. It would be nice to see them one more time.
415 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 26 Mar
  1. Satoshi (does not have to reveal identity)
  2. @nemo (does not have to reveal identity)
  3. Chester Bennington to ask if it was really suicide
Is there actually debate around Chester's suicide? I haven't heard anything about it.
You only get three guests?
Also, love the Ricky Gervais pick. Will need to think more.
Choose as many as you want! I figured table for 4, but if you want a big round table have at it.
  • Murray Rothbard: By all accounts he was absolutely hilarious company and was interested in everything.
  • Kurt Vonnegut: My favorite author, by far. Had an interesting perspective on tons of stuff.
  • Richard Feynman: Brilliantly insightful scientist. Also, by all accounts a very fun hang.
I love the Vonnegut pick. From the Austrian econ side of things, Hayek was very high in consideration.
I went Rothbard, partly because he's closer to me philosophically, but mostly because of his reputation as a fantastic host and guest.
I think Hayek was a bit more reserved.
Dan Aykroyd
Da vinci
Christopher Reeve
Interesting list
  • all my friends
  • my grandfather who is fabled to bite into onions like apples and people would call him "engineer" as if it were his name
this is great. let me think.....
alive: Mike Tyson, Jackie Chan and Gal Gadot
Dead: Grandmother, Grandfather, Brian O'Conner
rest in peace your grandparents, and mine too
  1. Robert Downey Jr In his Ironman suit, most probably. I won't do it for myself alone. Children of my neighbourhood would all gather on the day.
  2. Cristiano Ronaldo for the love of football and also for learning one or two motivations behind his success.
  3. **J.K. Rowling waana learn how to be so creative. I have a desire to be the writer and want one on dinner.
  1. William Shakespeare, for I love his works and wanna ask him if he is Christopher Marlow.
  2. Mahatma Gandhi everyone knows how great he is, I mean his philosophy.
  3. Abraham Lincoln I think none will have objection to him. He is a great man or I must say greatness lives him like her kid.
You don't think anyone would object to someone who wanted to deport all black people to Africa, imprisoned political opponents, suspended Habeas Corpus, and got 700,000 people killed in a senseless war?
There are in fact people who would find such a person objectionable.
J.K. Rowling is on my wife's list and I can't copy her, otherwise she might make mine.
Yes, never copy your wife's favourite. My wife isn't a reader but she has a habit of suggesting what to read. She doesn't even care that I teach English Literature at a college. Wives are wives, you don't dare cross them for anything.
You must be from Germany or Dallas or both

Alive Guests

  1. Dirk Nowitzki
    • Insights into international sports, personal growth, and the life of a high-caliber athlete.
  2. Ben Bernanke
    • Unique perspectives on global economics, the 2008 financial crisis, and the intricacies of monetary policy.
  3. Dave Chappelle
    • Sharp, insightful commentary on societal issues, race, and the human condition, mixed with humor.
  4. Bonus: Ricky Gervais
    • Comedic and philosophical musings on life, fame, religion, and human behavior.

Deceased Guests

  1. George Carlin
    • Legendary observations on society, language, and the absurdities of human behavior, especially in the context of modern social media.
  2. Milton Friedman
    • Advocacy for free-market capitalism, offering deep dives into economic theories and their applications.
  3. John Maynard Keynes
    • Perspectives on government intervention in the economy and debates on economic policies.
My older self to get advice. The other pics here were great! As a runner Steve Prefontaine, Lance Armstrong. And Jesus