Yesterday I went to the park to take pictures and in the skate park area I met a friend named Omar. Since I was in a good mood for photography, I asked him if he would like me to take some pictures of him while he was skating and he was very grateful and said yes.
I have known Omar for a couple of years, he is also a photography lover and we have even worked together on a couple of occasions. But I had never met him at the park while I had the camera with me, so since I had the camera with me on this day, I didn't hesitate to take a couple of pictures of him while he was skateboarding!
Omar had to repeat the jump a couple of times to make sure the photos came out well.
Once we got these photos, we went on to the next move on a rail, because in my opinion this trick is quite "photogenic" from a photographic perspective and a bit advanced from a skateboarding perspective.
First I took a portrait of him.
In this photo he was showing me where the exact moment was when I should take the picture.
And he did it!
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Skate and destroy!!
skate yes destroy no
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