As the world's second most important journalist, it pains me to no end to see the world's most important journalist behind bars, slowing being tortured to death for the crime of exposing war crimes and other misdemeanor by the ruling class.
Behind bars is likely the most appropriate place for the person with the title of being "the world's most important journalist." If you have not pissed off the ruling class so much that they either try to Clinton you or put you in jail, you can definitely no be #1.
If there was ever a black pill on how evil statism is, and how important ending the Federal reserve, not by talking about it like idiot libertarians, and actively taking part in it by using Bitcoin, it is what is happening to Jullian Assange.
It's pretty obvious at this point that state secrets are used primarily to engage in criminal behavior without the public knowing. Labeling things as classified allows for the prosecution of whistleblowers and journalists who dare to expose the state for participating in the status quo.
The average statist can justify normal coercion in their heads, but cannot grapple with the scale of evil that these governments participate in.
What sparked this rant is that the feds are "exploring plea deals" for Assange right now, which is a complete travesty. HE DID NOT DO ANYTHING WRONG AND IS BEING PUNISHED FOR DOING SOMETHING INCREDIBLY GOOD AND IMPACTFUL.
To the Feds reading this: If you have a moral compass, you would quit your jobs. The people you work for are pedophiles and war criminals. You are being paid with stolen money and are part of the problem. War criminality and pedophilia can be justified and are deplorable acts. Your service to that system is what gives it the guise of legitimacy. You are part of the problem and you can be part of the solution by quitting your job and atoning for your sins against humanity by doing something fucking productive with your life instead of assisting in destroying others.
If Assange agrees to a plea, it could end in him being freed. That would be great, but that does not in anyway excuse what different governments have done to him, as well as the actions their actions that he reported on.
The world needs brave people who not only can see what's wrong with the world, but aren't cowards and seek to do something about it, despite the costs to themselves.
162 sats \ 1 reply \ @orthzar 20 Mar
Another reason a plea deal is an aweful outcome is because there's nothing stopping some other nation-state trying to prosecuting Assange, and keeping him jailed forever. There are 194 other nation-states on the planet, and who knows how many of those have extradition treaties with the UK; any one of those could seek extradition of Assange for whatever BS. The US Federal government could easily use any one of those as a pawn to keep Assange in prison forever.
If Assange takes the plea deal, the US Federal government can still murder him after his release.
Assange is in a no-win scenario, and the criminals responsible get treated as heroes by their fellow countrymen.
I wonder if he could pull a Snowden and go to Russia.
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @scoopa 20 Mar
Just read on WSJ about him potentially being able to plead to a lesser charge. I guess they really want to W on this one.
Their authority is illegitimate. Their perceived legitimacy is what they are ultimately trying to protect here.
It's tough, We only have one life to live. He and Ross need all of our help!
Agree.. We need to get him out and keep him safe! Fortify bitcoin island?
Calling on all Feds to quit because the grotesque security state is a bit of an over reach. Most people on the fed payroll don’t give a damn they are just trying to get by like the rest of us. Expecting them to fall on their sword for this makes no logical sense.
I agree it’s terrible what happening to Assange and Snowden but the government is not some big bad boogie man that can never be tamed.
Politics is just war by other means but like anything else it’s a numbers game. If people cared about free speech and justice for those who are silenced then people would assemble go into government and change it. I say this because the NRA is able to uphold gun rights after countless administrations tried to change or ban the constitutional law.
I still think life is still too good for the average American to really push for real change. Food is still plentiful water is still flowing people should care about this but they don’t and getting a bunch of feds to quit their job isn’t going to change much.
Plea deals are what police and governments use to coerce people into pleading "guilty" after they've already harassed and tortured them so much that they're sure they'll be convicted of a crime even if they're innocent.
50 sats \ 0 replies \ @ch0k1 20 Mar
Government shows their real face and who actually are the terrorists...
I'm not sure what's his original felony but putting a journalist behind bars for exposing the truth is unbelievable...
Let the people not forget about the importance of Assange's actions in uncovering the shady things our governments do.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @pow 21 Mar
Feels like Freedom of Speech is limited to a few people in this world.