This is one of Gigi's (@dergigi) favorite questions to bitcoiners, which he asked on a German podcast last week.
The hosts answer: If I were to be completely honest, I think I would fall into a very, very deep depression. And I would assume that all the contacts, all the friends that I have made, that I will lose them because there is nothing left to bring us together. And that's a very sad prospect at the moment. It hurts a bit that you asked me that question.
Gigi's answer: I would probably move to a regenerative farming community with all my bitcoin friends and live without money.
My answer: Unfortunately I have to say that it probably wouldn't change much for me. I'd be saving in stocks instead of bitcoin and hopefully still going to my local meetup and talking about what if bitcoin hadn't died.
432 sats \ 1 reply \ @jgbtc 15 Mar
I would work on understanding what went wrong to make the next version stronger.
As I always said: Bitcoin is my Plan B.
Plan A is ALWAYS knowledge for: being self sufficient, building stuff, growing your own food, raise animals, know the surrounding environment.
If Bitcoin stop to exist tomorrow, I will survive, because I know how and I have the tools and meanings.
Just stop being a fucking robot in a city, following orders and order your food from a supermarket or delivery guy. Don't be dependent of that system.
Bitcoin doesn't fix the world. People fix the world.
Great answer ๐Ÿ‘ you nailed it but are you sure you would withstand the hard work of growing your food and taking care of cattle?
I already started... Proof of work here
Awesome ๐Ÿ˜Ž
Good for you ๐Ÿ‘
I am sure he would
52 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 15 Mar
Bitcoin doesn't fix the world. People fix the world.
few ๐Ÿ‘€ now also me
yes, at the end of the days it's about the people, Bitcoin is only a tool.
I will continue doing what I'm doing - keep learning and stacking skills. ๐Ÿ‘€
Name seven skills you have.
  • writing
  • speaking four languages
  • making money online ( not sure if this can be called a skill? )
  • living and thriving in foreign countries - adaptable
  • climbing up the information ladder and filtering out BS
  • digging gems
  • solving problems in a creative way
Actually physically digging gems? Intriguing. Tell us more?
no hahha, digging gems - as in finding the hidden good stuff. ๐Ÿ˜‚
"I am Natalia, and this is why you should hire me"
Anyways, what stones have you dug up so far?
haha, I'm unemployable ๐Ÿ‘€
digging gems - as in finding the hidden good stuff. ๐Ÿ˜‚
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @Fabs 15 Mar
Unemployable because you're:
A) Wild as a cherry blossom.
B) Mentally unstable
C) Wealthy enough to escape the wheel
D) None of the above, own answer needed.
PS: We need more information on the "good stuff"
a free soul and hate to be told what to do, I rather figure things out myself. ๐Ÿ‘€
"good stuff" as in finding crafty things from humble people. For example, people spend way too much money buying normal things from fancy brands, but I know how to find the makers and even get better things at a fair price, the trick is finding the people who actually enjoy making them instead of being fooled by the looks.
Electrical Automechanics Bitcoin mining Solar management Singing Whistling Speaking
It would suck, but I think we would have to start again from scratch.
The thing is you can always kill an implementation, but you cannot kill an idea, only delay it.
Yes, its a bit like asking. Imagine there was a massive EMP strike that hit the entire world and fried all electronics.
It would be a total disaster and yes probably 90% of the population would die. HOWEVER, our rebuild would be much quicker than the ~200,000 years it took us to get here. Because we now know that electricity, lights, telephones are a thing. Building a telephone is 100x easier than discovering the concept.
Behind this mask there is more than just flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea... and ideas are bulletproof.
What is the most resilient parasite? Bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm?
An idea.
Resilient... highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain it's almost impossible to eradicate.
-Cobb Inception
Money is a tool for facilitating peace within and among communities. So if the predominant form of money fails, which is highly probable under this fiat system, society will collapse into violence and chaos as typically happens when wealth disparities grow large enough for the common man to realize that something is wrong. In response to this I would start looking at building a new life in a location where the economy may be less developed but the money is harder, and start working on Bitcoin 2.0.
I have a lot of respect for Gigi and also have a lot of respect for regenerative farming but I don't think his answer is realistic. With a global population of 8 billion, returning to a farming life if the world goes to shit is unrealistic. And the world is truly going to shit if we don't have bitcoin. Especially the heavily financialised Western world. You might be ok farming in Russia or some parts of Latin America but the Western world will probably be intent on dragging the whole world down with it as it falls into ruin.
100%. The Western world is on a fast track to collapse. Bitcoin is the saving grace. Fiat currency hyper inflation is inevitable for the entire West in the next two or three decades. Without Bitcoin, there is no "safe harbor" for economies to switch to and we'll be facing a significant economic collapse.
Bitcoin has a lot potential to fix a lot of problems for our society which gives hope for the future. Of course not everything will be better but the foundation of most of the society (money) would be fixed which has probably a lof of positive effects. If Bitcoin dies tomorrow I would lose a lot of hope for a more positive society. I would probably become more cynical about the clown world.
Yep. Try being a libertarian pre-Bitcoin. "We'll get Ron Paul elected, he'll audit The Fed!"
There was very little hope for true freedom prior to Bitcoin.
Same thing Iโ€™m doing today. Checking out
Wouldn't this website collapse without the lighting network which runs on Bitcoin?
Die with the ship, bitcoin is the only reason i think there may be a future on this planet, death to all bankers and fiat economics
TBH, I would start dating a fukin' rich guy. That's all.
It's a complicated question because we've been fighting against everything and everyone for over a decade, demystifying fears and uncertainties. It's not a response to be taken lightly, so I'll give it my best shot.
I think initially it would be a disappointment, but since the Bitcoin community is not one to give up, it would be an opportunity to start over and, if possible, improve what needs to be improved. Sometimes we need to start from scratch to move forward.
Even if that wasn't possible, I don't think it would be the end of the world, just a setback in the fight against centralism and censorship.
If bitcoin died, huh? Well, ignoring that it's a preposterous question...
I'd be sad I lost my investment, then I would invest heavily in other cryptos/land/property.
I know the sentiment here is the btc is the only option, but if btc died, think about how much money would be lost in the financial sector. It would be catastrophic. Government would have to spend ungodly amounts of money. People would be looking to other assets to protect their savings. In general the crypto market would plummet along with other assets, making it a great time to invest.
Lol no change, and I guess wait for the new fork to kick off and long the new ponzi
depression, lying on my sofa watching TV and youtube mindlessly
I would probably be back to teaching I my own school.
Well, millions of people have lost all their savings. Iโ€™d be one of them. No shame in that.
The amount of hope people put into bitcoin is a bit disconcerting. While at the same time makes me incredibly bullish.
I would hope and pray that my kid is successful later in life because even though her college fund is safe, I won't be leaving her anything after I kick the bucket.
It would be a bummer, but in reality I a feel prepared regardless. I possess many useful skills that will be worth something regardless of the means of trade for them. My needs will be met. I will find my tribe and contribute what I have to give.
I would buy all the failed bitcoin.
I use Monero.
So the comments gave me an anxiety attack, not sure why I've even read them. Better so stop on Gigi's answer and go to bed.
Encouraging and supporting those who wanted to start over was the least I could do.
I would sharpen my axes, cuz the stuff is gonna to get real :-) fast...
What I'd want to know is why Gigi is asking this question
I would probably go back to stacking gold to be honest.
I shutter to think of such a future to be honest.
Train more BJJ
Enjoy the last years of freedom on Earth, before we're all forced to use WEF social credit coins and sent into COVID camps.
Seriously, if Bitcoin fails, the prospects for human liberty in the next few generations drops 99%.
As Iโ€™m not all in, I would probably just cry for a couple of daysโ€ฆ
i depend 100% on bitcoin so i would lose my main source of income, that would be hard for me,i would get drepressed but eventually i will overcome it
I would assume it's some pretty major event causing that to happen, so my food reserve and gold coins would be pretty handy.
If it's something like a bug in the code, then it just shows Bitcoin isn't as durable and anti fragile as I believed.
I'd descend down to a very dark place, you'd be welcome to join me there.
If Bitcoin dies like hundreds of times it has died before, I would immediately buy Bitcoin. If it is after nuclear war end of civilization scenario, then I would do nothing. There is nothing left to worry about.
Stacking more skills instead of stacking sats. Put on my big boy pants and continue looking ahead, figuring out the best way to store my wealth.
If I were to be completely honest, I think I would fall into a very, very deep depression.
That's so f.....g said. This guy probably forgets that the one who could die not just tomorrow but in every moment is he (we). No one has made a deal with a supernatural force that will live here for many years. Your journey can end in every moment.
Your quality of life should not depend on BTC or other material things. They have to be means that help you live a healthy and happy life, otherwise they have no sense at all.
If btc dies, ok. Life goes on. You will find other means that will help you living you a better life.
I would restart the network and would try to buy all the bitcoin at fraction of pennies. But i would not succeed, as millions of fellow Bitcoiners would try to buy the same Bitcoin. Bitcoin is an idea. It does not die.
Remember the security guards at the end of the Truman show
I would plot to destroy the institutions of slavery that contributed to its demise. And I donโ€™t think Iโ€™m alone. This mind virus has spread far and wide, so if you happen to be a fiat maxi statist cuck, you wonโ€™t be sleeping very well for the rest of your time on this planet.