No, aliens haven't crash landed on Earth.

That's according to the latest 63-page report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon, or UAP, by the Pentagon. Sources familiar with DOD reports say this is quite possibly the most work anyone has done at the Pentagon since its creation. Experts estimate an astounding 63 times more effort was put into this single report than every budget audit since 2018.
The unclassified document details efforts by the US military to investigate most of the minuscule amount of UAP reports since 1945, concluding that all files pertained to “misidentification, ordinary objects and phenomena, and seagulls.”
Some reporters familiar with the topic asked why the report was lacking details on key UAP cases brought to Congress last July by David Grusch, Ryan Graves, and David Fravor. Pentagon press secretary Pat Ryder responded to criticism:
"We're aware some of the more famous UAP encounters are absent from this report, that's because those videos were debunked by UFO enthusiast Mick West."
Mick 'Not-a-debunker' West, as he prefers to go by, is known amongst the UFO community for heroically debunking Gimbal, Go-Fast, and the Nimitz video as simply seagulls, a distant plane, and seagulls, respectively.
In an impromptu press conference, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin also took questions about the report at the Pentagon briefing room late Friday afternoon. When asked about his statement that "technically they don't crash, but some UFOs do get shot down." he explained that further details would be released in the next Pentagon UAP report in 2045, stating:,900
"We have shot down some UFOs, however due to their impact sites being located in extremely remote locations like Canada and Michigan, we lack the ability to retrieve some of them."
Austin abruptly stopped answering questions, left the podium, and was later seen climbing a service ladder to the roof. He hasn't been seen since, though this is not necessarily a "new thing" for the sitting Secretary of Defense of the United States.
In seemingly unrelated news, a bright cigar-shaped craft was seen hovering above the Pentagon around 3pm, Friday March 8th. Witnesses reported seeing a figure inside drinking a Diet Coke before it zipped off at incredible speeds towards Atlantic City.
remote locations like ... Michigan
Hahaha. Ok...
My reaction, too. I get that human life cannot survive in Canada, so it would be hard to search there, but Michigan?
It was in February, that’s probably why. Too cold.
There not much "too" anything that the US cannot do....
For the US fkn military to get a "UFO"
People live in Antarctica year round. I think they would take the effort to find a downed UFO in Michigan.
234 sats \ 1 reply \ @Scoresby 9 Mar
Great read! There's so much here, I had to read it twice. I'm not much of a UFO guy, but if every piece of reporting is as full of wild characters doing weird things as this was, I'll become one.
The title is what hooked me, so great job there. Only nitpick is: I think it could have been shorter, snappier. Something like:
Pentagon: "UFOs Don't Crash; We Shoot Them Down."
Thanks for posting!
Thank you! That would've been perfect. I tried but only had 9 seconds left haha!
118 sats \ 2 replies \ @Lux 9 Mar
Seagulls make crop circles, copy
117 sats \ 0 replies \ @Fabs 10 Mar
So what you're saying is, that we should theoretically be able to see those crash sites on sites like Google Earth?
117 sats \ 1 reply \ @kepford 9 Mar
This (not your writing) report and commentary from Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin stinks to high heaven as a tool for more funding. I don't buy it.
It is however very interesting and odd.
Off to go play… AXEL F
UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object. It can be anything human made, not necessarily alien.
But mostly seagulls
Then it's a IFS
Then why does tom cruise still worship aliens?
We shoot them down cuz we are America! Lol
UFOs may be worth travelling into, imo. They are coming here to replace our planet's transport system. Their drivers (my bad, they are ufo pilots) had never been involved in any accident except that with Pentagon.
The Title catch me off guard. Thats intriguing headline btw.
I depends on what the definition of is is…
My first attempt at reporting, please leave your feedback.
Also testing out boosting!