pull down to refresh

If you plan on using this please read this comment. It's very preliminary onion support.
Main caveats
  1. not everything is end-to-end onion routed
    • js/css/images while using tls and still routed over tor and expose your egress node's IP (not a huge deal, but perhaps a deal to some users)
  2. logging in and certain logged in behaviors might not work yet
    • this was a pain to add so I haven't fully tested everything
    • logging in with twitter and github and email will probably still take you to the stacker.news domain ... lnauth might work, but I haven't tested it
@BlokchainB sent me 500k sats to do this. Thank them.
Funny note: I said it'd take me an hour and it took me 12 because I had to do a lot of weird dev-ops stuff and testing to make sure I didn't take down the main site. I also quoted BlokchainB an hourly rate of 500k sats but I did the math wrong and meant 5 million sats/hour lol.
Anyway, it's a decent start.
Yikes! You a beast @k00b! Hopefully my incentive didn’t derail your roadmap too much. But just showcasing the power SN can have.
we could have had a meme sub with that time 😩
👏 priority’s @k00b
all kidding aside, looking forward to hearing about this on SNL
5Msat/hr ouch!
Nice. LNURL login works for me over Tor, but email didn't work.
can confirm, email didn't work for me over tor either, and I forgot which wallet I used for lnurl XD
It's just the url in the email link. If you sub https://stacker.news for http://snsnsnya6h3ot563f3p566wuhfoklkg5f62hokdlaqzcaub3gf4xlxyd.onion it'll work ... I'll push that change myself eventually.
Cool that worked, if you're reading this it came from tor browser
Logging in with LNURL using the onion url sent me to stacker.news clearnet address
Thanks for the note, need to work on that.
To be clear: when I opened the onion URL afterwards, I was logged in as expected
Glad we've done this but excited to get back to working on things that aren't so one-off!
Basic question, what can I use this onion address for?
For browsing the site more anonymously.
got it thanks!
Sweet. Posting from the .onion address now!
SWEET! Thank you!
Nice. How long did it take to generate that address?
About 1 minute. stackernews was too long of a prefix. I did try to yolo solo mine it for about an hour but no luck.
In my experience it takes a few days to mine 7 characters (on a premium computer from 2017), so you might want to set up a process in the background on a desktop to run for a few weeks and see if you can get all eleven characters. You can also, without any additional processor power, add a list of words and phrases that are acceptable alternatives like "snews", "stacknew", "sntor" or something else
There's actually a website that talks about it. So a few weeks is an optimistic estimate for 11 characters. You may want to constrain it to a lower character count accordingly. I don't know what his benchmark 1.5G processor is compared to a modern PC.
Here's a more recent tool https://github.com/cathugger/mkp224o
I'm not unhappy with the current one. Not as clear as 'stackernews' but good enough.
oh I didn't even notice lol
I call Yolo Solo as my next band name
I noticed this yesterday. Underrated and awesome feature, I wish it was more widespread.
Login via Email + Onion Url does not work yet because it throws out the login state when rerouting to the Onion Url.
To fix one has to turn of the
Onion Services Prioritize .onion sites when know
setting in Tor Browser.
Awesome, thanks @k00b!
Nice! Thanks @k00b!
Hi @koob, I think the onionsite is down
That happens from time to time. We have a github issue for it: https://github.com/stackernews/stacker.news/issues/400
Thanks, will subscribe to that one
Ooooh epic, thanks!