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Gentlemen, 🫡
IT'S BULL SEASON BOYS" 👈 For SN and places like it, this here is literal clown talk. Let's nip the fiat shitcoinery in the bud.
Sanity Retention In 2024
The only thing happening is that the economic and cultural shift to the emerging cybereconomy is undergoing a burst of energy.
The surrounding world is taking notice of Bitcoin, which is awakening their demand for it. Since Bitcoin is an absolutely scarce asset, that demand is inevitably met by the leveling price wall that over time denominates everything in satoshis rather than units of Bitcoin proper. Absolute scarcity turns the price relative to USD into an infinite asymptote—there is no “right price” for Bitcoin in USD.
If you're new to this space, it's natural to feel euphoric as your buying power grows… but it would be better to get over that soon. For the rest of you, you already know the drill. You've had your lols at the crypto scammers, you've had your drama watching FTX and Terra and all that fall to pieces, but “bull season” is here, and that means you'll be tempted to both not be humble and not stack sats.

1. Stay off Bitcoin Twitter

BTC Twitter has its place, but probably not for you. It's the network's frontline with the rest of the internet where significant public relations takes place... but that's probably not the place for you, and certainly not in a bull season.
If you don't get off there, here's what's going to happen:
  • You'll start fantasizing about "breaking $100k” and what that means for you.
  • Which will continue cultivating bad habits of thinking in fiat rather than sats.
  • You're going to leech valuable mental energy doing nothing.
  • You won't do any work, which means you won't earn any sats, which means you'll waste your time—all three of these are the same thing.

2. Avoid the News

Headlines like this? Poison for your brain. ☠️ It hits you in the greed button and you'll start feeling "rich.” You're not rich, you broke bitch, because you're not working or thinking in Bitcoin and your head's swimming in fiat lala-land. Speaking as a professional ad copywriter, all the headlines we write are psyops.

3. Change Stacker News Price Tracker to Read 👉 Reality 👈

Stacker News is a safe space for us… mostly. The USD price tracker has its uses, but just like all the rest, it'll distract you during a bullrun.
You are not in a bullrun if you're on a Bitcoin standard. Whether you know it or not, you're already living in the civilization that comes after all the fiat bullruns have been eaten, so you may as well let your thoughts catch up with your reality.
Nothing to See Here... Back to Work Please!
Now… hopefully you spent "bear season" building. But if you didn't, that's okay, because it was never bear season, and it's not bull season now. Those are fake labels denominating Bitcoin according to the old monetary system that we're leaving.
Just get back to building. There's no reason to get distracted and stop. The fiat prices mean that I'm anticipating another wave of new people, which means those of us already here have too much work 👷 to do to spend it watching fiat number go up games.
They want more dollars, I want less dollars, we're not the same
I found this quote on twitter, and it describes how early we are
Cannot we do both? Enjoy the usd price and stay sane?
No. 😀
My only concern currently is how rapidly I might get priced out of the territory fees.
I'll keep stacking no matter the price, but my territory fees are extra to my DCA. It's a tough pill to swallow when you've put the work in to grow a community. @kr might be right, I may not be able to keep ~Music afloat passed their 6 month estimate.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @kr 28 Feb 2024
recently it seems like the number of sats being stacked on SN has been roughly flat despite the rising price of BTC
Strange. My sat default hasn't changed. And I still zap everything I see 😂. But I think I'm one of few, I'm consistently in the top 10 zappers per day. One day people will catch on 😉
Great post.
Poison for your brain. ☠️ It hits you in the greed button and you'll start feeling "rich.” You're not rich, you broke bitch, because you're not working or thinking in Bitcoin and your head's swimming in fiat lala-land. Speaking as a professional ad copywriter, all the headlines we write are psyops.
Made my day🤣
I soaked in the madness for an hour and now I’m having a cleanse of bitcoin twitter and Nostr for the next couple of days.
Smart man 🧠
Gentlemen, 🫡 “IT'S BULL SEASON BOYS"
Ladies & Gentlemen, 🫡 “IT'S BULL SEASON BOYS AND GIRLS"
Fixed it for you 😉😉