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This post has been around for a decade, but in a way it's evergreen. It's certainly highly applicable to btc.
It's easy to be mad at yourself, as many of us are, for not jumping at the opportunity when we first heard about btc when it was in the hundreds, or even lower. But your life will always be full of such disappointments, in btc and in everything. Jesus, it hurts to think of them all.
It's hard to see the frontiers of things, but the world is full of them, and has been since at least the industrial revolution. Just sticking w/ btc, there are so many ways to be at the edge of something whose velocity is nearly unimaginable, if you scope your attention properly! It's fun to think of some of the opportunities. But honestly, it will matter more to your life to consider this more broadly than just in regard to btc.
So no, you're not too late. Not even close.
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One of my favorite pieces of writing on the internet. 🤙
I have an insight for parents that should alleviate their regret at missing out on opportunities like this:
If you had done anything differently prior to your kids being conceived, then they wouldn't exist.
‘You’re not too late’ is one of my 5 misconceptions in my intro blog post to Bitcoin
Meaning: it's a misconception that you're too late, or, counter to the point of this post, you really are too late?
Because here is the other thing the greybeards in 2044 will tell you: Can you imagine how awesome it would have been to be an entrepreneur in 2014? It was a wide-open frontier! You could pick almost any category X and add some AI to it, put it on the cloud. Few devices had more than one or two sensors in them, unlike the hundreds now. Expectations and barriers were low. It was easy to be the first. And then they would sigh, “Oh, if only we realized how possible everything was back then!”
Yes! We earn many points for glorify the past but are treated like loons for glorifying plausible futures.
It also reminds me of how Marc Andreesen said in some interview I can't find that he felt like he was late to the Web.
It's easy to be mad at yourself, as many of us are, for not jumping at the opportunity
keyan.com was available when I was in high school. It still feels like a nightmare I'll wake up from. It also reminds me I'm probably making a related mistake today.
Without a doubt! And what I've realized is that even if you may not have the crazy fiat gains compared to those who got in very early, there is still so much room for btc's monetary growth, but I'm so much more bullish on the community and the people within the network! Money is just a tool albeit a powerful one, but the people and the community is where it's at! So if you're one of those who may have "missed" btc being cheap, you're only missing out if you're not joining the amazing people within this new ecosystem because ultimately people are the ones who create and produce value, without people to use it, money is worthless.
So no, you're not too late. Not even close.
Amen to that!
I love this one so much -- it's like most of human nature boiled down to one tweet.
I think the most important is knowing how to hodl instead of buying early. I'm pretty sure if I had bought when I heard of it for the first time, I would have been dumb enough to sell early. My conviction has grown because I took the time to understand BTC so I value every opportunity I have to stack more, regardless the price and quantity.
the greatest online things of the first half of this century are all before us.
Classic and agree 100%. History will write an interesting story!
This was nice 👌
As we all (or many of us) hope that bitcoin will eventually replace fiat, then everyone will get exposed to BTC. When the time comes, the bitcoin wealth will be distributed in the same way as fiat now, there will be rich and poor people, and for those poor it will be unfortunately too late. It may be “too late” soon.
They may be "too late" to get stupidly rich by doing nothing. They won't be too late to do something awesome in the larger btc ecosystem, or in the world.
Read kk.org/cooltools for years and never saw this. Thanks for sharing.
There's a saying, "A rich man and a beggar both have 24 hours a day." A rich man always search for opportunities while a beggar can only imagine of pennies.
The moral is - The world is full of opportunities, you just need to find them instead of running behind pennies.
Look at all the journos that knew about bitcoin and didn't buy any when it was low. Now they're all more bitter than a 60 year old lonely cat lady feminist.
Now think about whether you would have had the stones to HODL when bitcoin was super early on. There's an overwhelming chance you would have sold and been at least as bitter as those people.
Just be glad that's not you're fate and that you're a stacker now. That's how I look at it.
Nobody is never late in Bitcoin, youjust have to believe and hold
Given how AI has exploded into our consciousness, it’s a bit surreal to read how the prediction KK made ten years ago has come true.
I love how you wrote about unimaginable velocity - it’s like a snowball gathering momentum. We never know how humongous it will get. We can only prepare ourselves to be in the best position to seize emerging opportunities