Add any thoughts as to what I should do with this territory, what you'd like to see, opinions on whether the settings are ideal, what are your preferences...
Do you guys think I should do a daily, weekly, monthly thread of any kind? Would you like to see contests?
I'm not sure I totally understand the implications of 'moderated' by the way, I don't have any desire to censor but wanted to keep the option to delete utter garbage shitcoin spam if that became a problem + if the downzap doesn't already effectively solve all those problems.
Thoughts on any and all that has to do with this territory are welcome.
I dunno but I like this territory and will continue to contribute probably whatever you decide to do. 👍
Do you monitor /pol/
I have a buddy that at his job they would do a lunch on Fridays where someone would present a conspiracy of some sort for them to talk about. it'd be cool to have maybe a weekly thread focused on information around a specific conspiracy. it'd be more about providing information and discussing it, not just complaining about it.
also, having wild and out there ones that aren't necessarily government related or anything like the loch ness monster and theories around it. shit like that.
Not a bad idea, throw a theory out, give it a yay or nay in terms of legitimacy and throw some opinions out there