Happy Sat-urday Stackers,
Have a great weekend!
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  1. While it's not a today problem, bitcoin and its current layers won't scale self-custodially to the world's population. If scaling proposals continue to fail and onchain fees continue to rise, bitcoin self-custody risks becoming a luxury.
  2. Assume Bitcoin significantly increases your purchasing power like it has for many. What now? Should you purchase anything?
  3. Mining pools competing for pleb miners are racing to lower fees and payout minimums. Braiins is partnering with Voltage to provide lightning payouts to its miners.
  4. Typical cloud services require KYC and payment in fiat, yet cloud services are the most convenient option for many. @elvismercury queries SN for based cloud storage options.
  5. If we're already using domain names for lightning addresses, why not ditch the server and just use DNS to store details and coordinate payments?
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Top Monday meme \ 51.7k sats \ @jinformatique

Top Friday fun fact \ 10.4k sats \ @DarthCoin

Fun fact: How to receive more inbound liquidity

If you open a LN channel in Zeus node using the LSP option (wrapped invoices) with Olympus LSP and Voltage Flow LSP, you get 100k sats more inbound into that channel.
For example:
  • you do not have ANY LN channel or onchain funds in your Zeus node mobile
  • you open Zeus and make an invoice to receive 400k sats
  • pay that invoice from any other LN wallet
  • in matter of seconds you will get a 500k sats capacity channel from Olympus or Voltage
  • LSP will push your initial deposit sats (400k sats) on your side of the channel
  • and you get more 100k sats "space" as inbound liquidity.
Remember! You DO NOT get sats, you get INBOUND LIQUIDITY (is not the same)

  1. Everything Engineer #2 \ Stacker News \ Austin or Remote

Yeehaw, Keyan A guy who works on Stacker News
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👀 Wow, nice one! Substack can kick rocks, and twitter reach limited me for no reason yesterday. Long live stacker news!
I associate this image so much with @birdeye21 that I went through his comment history to copy and paste it here
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.