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A similar chart showing the following life milestones would also be interesting:
  • Average age of leaving one's parents' home.
  • Average age of marriage.
  • Average age of having one's first child.
  • Average age of becoming a grandparent for the first time.
  • Average age of experiencing the loss of a partner (through death or divorce).
(Not only the age, but also the area between two consecutive milestones, would be very informative)
Have a look at these two additional graphs. They kind of suggest we reach our peak between our 20s and 30s, and I wonder if this has something to do with our brains reaching full maturity in our mid-20s?
PS: I would inverse the charts to have childhood at the bottom; this would to put an emphasis on the foundational role of the early age.
That chart generated one of my first experiences of existential dread.
I love the perspective this brings. The ultimate scarce asset.
If we live 100 Years, which most of us won't, we only got 36525 days. Cruel reality.
Shit. I have very few weeks left.
these are awesome, some of the best visualizations for understanding that life really is short
life really is short
This oft repeated saying has never resonated with me. I've always felt that life is long (actually eternal). I feel that the 'life is short' mentality directly plays into the 'YOLO' rubric, which has always struck me as materialistic and ultimately nihilistic.
Highly recommend the book 4000 weeks: Time Management for Mortals -https://www.oliverburkeman.com/books
Just bought it on amazon. thanks.
Iā€™m amazed at how early American women and men have their first child and get married respectively. In my country, it is getting common for people to get married and have children (that is, if they are foolhardy enough) when they hit their 30s
I actually think it's more practical, especially for women, to have kids as early as possible, at the beginning of career life, and while the grand-parents are still alive and relatively fit. Contrary to popular belief, kids are not necessarily too expensive, and can boost your drive to succeed in life.
Happiness - The story of a rodent's unrelenting quest for happiness and fulfillment.
I've died before, I will die again.
Life is short if you killing it.
It moves slowly if you are not
No long is it
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