We reached 8K orders. So it's time for 🤖RoboSTATS📊 third edition 😄
  • Total orders created: 8100
  • Since Mainnet launch: 122 Days
  • Total contracts: 2177
  • Successful trades: 1804
  • Collaboratively canceled: 94
  • Disputes: 30
  • Disputes that required evidence submission: 2
  • Identified scam attempts: 1!
📘 Orders by currency: EUR: 4328 USD: 2067 CAD: 257 BRL: 426 GBP: 284 MXN: 62 COP: 50 RUB: 65 AUD: 60
🪧 Contracts
  • Total volume contracted: 9.897 BTC
  • Total volume exchanged: 8.297 BTC
  • Avg Contract size: 454K Sats ~87.54 USD
🤖 Robots
  • Total Robots Generated: 59315
  • Robots who traded: 2884
🪙 Exchange Revenue:
  • RoboSats node Total Revenue: 2.306M Sats
  • Revenue that was due to Swap fees: 727K Sats
  • Cost of loquidity management (onchain/LN): 256K Sats
  • Robosats total routing fees covered: 212.4K Sats
  • Node Net (total - routing fees): 1.837M Sats
Robosats is great, but I'm disappointed they've only netted $350 in 4 months. Their fees are very low, which is good, but the volume needs to be at least 30x to fund just one full-time developer. Let's spread the word!
This is a healthy pace. There have been some critically missing features until recently (e.g., ability to prove what the counterparty wrote in a chat) and some problems with Tor (e.g., DDoS attacks or other service degradation). And then the ability for on-chain submarine swap for the buyer just came out as well. The chat issue is now resolved (when using Tor), and now I2P support is coming along.
So it is best that growth isn't too fast to where support for issues isn't too high that no development work can be done.
I'm actually impress by the only one scam attempt. This is unironically crucial because it shows how a decentralized, trust-less system can work for real when there's little to no incentive to actually scam people. I Agree with @Brunswick RoboSats need to become the main way to obtain cheap sats, since I can't use anything else but it's also good that RoboSats can grow "in the shadow" like bitcoin did in the early days because this brings more stability in the long run
Love RoboSats, my main exchange now. Love the fact it advantages so well marginal buyers (plebs), and is how I augment privacy, avoid taxes, and stack.
fantastic platform to buy sats. I have bought more than ten times and I have not had a problem. It has a telegram community to provide very active and very good support.
There was also this Tweet:
6.08 BTC in June!!!!
30/06/2022: ATH daily volume 0.619 BTC
Trading volume on @RoboSats is going exponential.
They finished June with their biggest day ever, 0.619 BTC of P2P exchange volume on the platform.
Simple and private Fiat <> BTC exchanges, built on Lightning.
The interesting nuggets:
  • Avg Contract size: 454K Sats ~87.54 USD
  • Successful trades: 1804
  • Disputes: 30
  • Disputes that required evidence submission: 2
  • Identified scam attempts: 1!
From another post, here on SN:
Amazing script that lists offers from Bisq, HodlHodl, and RoboSats, all via Tor #39385 https://github.com/j4imefoo/nokyc
This post was featured on This Day in Stacker News.