First half was fair. I don’t think he’s misrepresented himself, and agree he doesn’t owe anyone anything.
Second half unhinged attack of a straw man version of Bitcoin plebs … meh.
I’m still keen to know his perspective. Actually am particularly interested in his view given that he’s partial to non-Bitcoin projects, but also his proof of work understanding Bitcoin. Always keen to hear informed Bitcoin criticism.
Couldn't agree more. Criticisms from people who actually understand what they are criticizing is extremely important.
He's a VC. He tries to make money with altcoins and projects of uknown utility. The way a VC makes money is investing early, and then selling their shares to later investor when the company's valuation goes higher. This is not really value based investing, and not necessarily based on some deep moral conviction. It's a matter of some research into tech and people, some gut feel for market to predict what will be in vogue in a year or two, and a whole lot of gambling.
His VC strategy is not fit for the average person who is trying to embetter their lives through saving. Most people don't have the funds, the connections and inside information, and most importantly can't handle the huge risks that come with VC work.
I say, just do what you do best and keep stacking. Don't try shitcoining because you will likely get burned. The big players make money off retail like you using their inside information. If you want to gamble, gamble for real where you know the odds well.
That's a long blog post.
I liked his attitude early on, it seemed like he 'got' Bitcoin. Nowadays I am a lot less interested in his point of view; he's a VC and in some ways a lot more of a banker/financier of the traditional world than a bitcoiner. As such, of course he's a lot more open minded about altcoins, stablecoins, appcoins whatever.
What's clear is, he certainly doesn't represent bitcoiners, albeit he for sure knows a lot about it.
I’ve never toed the line on standard Bitcoin ideology. I’ve never been intimidated by orthodoxy. For instance, back when s2f hype was at its fullest, I criticized the model with a detailed article. The hardcore maxi crew almost universally worshiped the model.
"Maximalism" is a term invented by Vitalik to promote a viewpoint. There are lots of loud people on twitter talking a lot of rubbish but that has precisely nothing to do with Bitcoin itself. S2F, even less.
I'm also not sure why people are super surprised about Nic's investments. If you're at all aware of Castle Island and the things he's said they invest in, you'd know.
However, it does seem like he's relatively shy about admitting the shitcoin alignment when he's on Bitcoin podcasts or discussing Bitcoin/stables. I think this is the main reason folks are upset with him, and perhaps also why he is being so defensive. He was misleading by frequent omission.
That said, I still think Nic has great Twitter game and is super thoughtful/articulate about the space.
truthfully, if you were unaware of nic's firm and investments, thats on you. we say we verify, seems like some people didnt.
honestly thats the more surprising thing, so many people being caught off guard, or astonished.
Really like him as well. I suspect he's playing to the audience when on Bitcoin podcasts. This predictable overreaction for failing purity tests is probably why.
He'll be fine after laying low for a bit. These cancel culture mobs move on quickly. Breedlove seems to have made a decent comeback.
I like Nic
i like nic too, lots of bitcoiners put up with his shitcoinery because he was a grade A FUD buster.
getting cozy with a16z and funding this chain analytics wallet was enough for me.
look he is free to do as he please i am also free to call him out
I don't know anything about this, but if Nic needs a big hairy man to cuddle with he should HMU.
Good thinking nipples
The mustache wasn't a joke, but more like a pre-emptive Vader's mask.
if you have a chain that is useful, who are we to say it is bad? if someone invests in non bitcoin projects who cares? just focus on improving yourself and ignore things that don't fit with your values
if you have a chain that is useful, who are we to say it is bad?
Bad and good are hard to test for. Useful on the other hand is easy to test for. It seems like most of these "things" are useful for experiments and convincing retail these experiments are valuable before they are.
Not sure what's better...
Nic simps waking up to reality or Nic lashing out against the maximalist poltergeists.
Also fuck Chainalysis.
Idk what to make of it to be honest I'll listen n let someone like that make their piece...however know at the end of the day they r pushed by the almighty dollar as most r.. .