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Base58 is an engineering school, built on a bitcoin standard.
We just pushed out our class schedule for this spring, check out what we’re offering and join us for some really fun, challenging weeks of building bitcoin from the ground up.
Some highlights:
two new beta/class experiments:
  • an in-person covenants class. let’s make some promises
  • an online bitcoin bots workshop. let’s snipe some txs
two new standard issue courses:
  • wallets, for devs! implement all the wallet stuffs (seeds to HD wallets to PSBTs to descriptors)
  • mempools: all about those mempools. rbf/cpfp, anchors, etc
two classes now offered online!
  • Lightning BOLTs are now online
  • Taproot class is now online!
PS if anyone has suggestions for how to make the calendar easier to see, i’m all ears lol
Sayyyy whaaaatttt?!?!?
So cool.
remember to learn from the best in the space. this is the best !
PS if anyone has suggestions for how to make the calendar easier to see, i’m all ears lol
which calendar?
what classes are available when
currently it’s buried in each of the class subpages
ah you mean this?
i also thought it's funny to ask "which calendar?" when you mentioned that the calendar is hard to see, lol. but i honestly thought i can't find it since i was expecting a calendar like calendar.google.com.
maybe you can show a calendar with all courses inside so it's easier to have an overview when which course will take place (and check if you have time); for example on the courses page?
or you could also show the date here:
Btw, I am always confused by date formats since US and EU use different formats. And I never know if the site checks my IP address to give me my date format or if it doesn't.
So I have to deduce from 3/5/2024 - 4/2/2024 that you probably mean MM/DD/YYYY
ah ok, yeah i can use semantic dates instead, that’s much easier!