Happy New Year! These few weeks are full of hopes and goals. Does anyone have garden plans? I need to dust off my plant journal and order a few bricks to help keep my soil in place as we get closer to planning and planting in 2024.
Would love to hear from those that only can have a plant in a window to a full homestead.
I can only plant in the windows and on the balcony of my apartment. I grow Aloe, Sage, Mint, and Cannabis. Spider mites are the bane of my existence.
I think I'll grow some tomatoes on the balcony this year. When I had land to grow on I've grown a lot of potatoes. broccoli, garlic, strawberries, beans and other greens, hops, melons, and of course tomatoes.
Apartment living does offer challenges. I had an older Aloe that died but recently had new sprouts appeared. Excited to see what happens with that plant.
Sounds like you have some knowledge to share with the community.
Any veggie suggestions to grow? my family has been in a tomato/pepper/cucumber rut these past couple years… The kids loved harvesting carrots but the half dozen teeny orange spears didn’t seem worth the real estate in the garden. Any favorite veggies to grow (zone 6)?
I’m just trying to keep a basil plant alive lol
That is awesome, starting with herbs can easier for those with less space or time.
Have you been able to harvest and use in your cooking?
Yep! Used it for pizza toppings
I have father living just outside city, last summer we with wife set up our own greenhouse on his land and started growing tomatoes, cucumbers, radish, salads, paprika there. We are thinking this year maybe to add second greenhouse there (tomatoes and cucumbers are most happy with different air humidity levels). At some points when the harvest is ready it's more than we can eat ourselves, will try this year to find some bitcoiners that might want buy some of this stuff for sats from us.
That sounds like a great plan. Greenhouse would be nice but I am in a warmer climate so not sure how it would be used.
I recently listened to a podcast where the speaker when to a local meetup and started offering product to the other attendees.
Our herbs and tomatoes got ravaged by deer last summer, when we had to move them off the deck while we stained it.
This year, I mostly hope to succeed where I failed last year. I'm also going to try to get some wildflowers going in spots where the lawn isn't thriving.
Yeah deer can do some damage. Have to use fence or netting to try and stop them. But it sounds like a good plan. We can just learn from past failures and try again.
The deck seems safe from deer, but we might try spraying our flowers with diluted hot pepper solution to keep them away from those.
Now is the time to study and make a plan of what you would like the spring/summer/fall garden will look like.
The New Year time is full of hope and dreams. Are you able to make them reality?
This thread has inspired some efforts to make a bigger plan. Thank you.
1 raised bed still going strong. 2023 also found a neighborhood gleaner which makes a power combination. Topics worth bringing up with neighbors.
It's on my list. Need to get the seeds planted any day now! :D
So January is over, my area had a fake spring day or two and back to winter.
I was able to clean up my small plot and work on some ideas of what I need to start soon if we do get an early spring.
Anyone else making progress on their garden plans?
Would love to see your garden projects over in ~earth! :)