I have worked with many psychedelics over many years in many different settings. From 13 years old dropping 'cid in a Peter Piper, to studying with shamans in Peru. I have witnessed miracles and I have been to hell with psychedelics. My take away is, it all comes down to intention. What are we looking for with the experience? Are we looking to escape or are we looking to confront ourselves and grow? I would love to hear your thoughts and stories around psychedelics. I love talking about these things.
I never have fun on a trip, they're always kind of uncomfortable and occasionally even scary. But they're so damn effective at re-centering me and my mindset, I'd never give it up. I only trip once or twice a year at home, and it's fairly intentional. Microdoses for fun or for focus :)
Awesome. For me, the tough journeys are the ones that I end up learning the most. I believe it is good to occasionally work with these tools and then take the time to integrate the lessons. Some people get stuck in a loop and abusing them.
I'm regarding my trips as opportunities to zoom out, unplug from my daily routine for a while, and take a look at myself and my position in life. Can't say I've ever had any challenging life-changing trips, but then again, I've always been careful about it, and the biggest I've done was about 3g of dried Cubensis mushrooms, and I stayed at home to feel safe just in case
It's definitely a great way to gain perspective. And being in a safe place seems important.
Opening portals to your mind for demons
I believe demons must be faced in order to grow. When we gave our fears we expand.
The demons you're talking about are poetic, as an allegory for our mistakes or trauma.
The demons I'm talking about are literal, and I see them walking the streets everyday
I would say there is not difference. It's still the observers projection. Some of is see "literal" demons. Okay. It still comes from self. It's still based around trauma. I don't doubt you see demons. Also, they can be overcome. Or not. Idk.
Only through the grace of God
If you want to trip, trip in a smart way.
I guess that's general life advice:
Go to bed smart, sleep smart, wake up smart, exercise smart, eat smart, work smart, waste your time smart, rinse smart, repeat smart.
to reconnect with your true self and discover your place in the universe.
You can reach that state without psychedelics but psychedelics will help speed up the process
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Totally. It's all the same.
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Seems like my kind of jam