I wanted to start this territory to share the passion for cannabis and hemp. I have been in the industry for 5 years and growing for 10 years. I have seen alot of benefits and learning opportunities working with this plant. I personally have found great benefits in my personal health and I hope to share them with you guys and continue learning. I specialize in manufacturing cannabis products now days but have learned alot about the industry. Cant wait to see what others are doing in this space! Thanks for reading and keep medicating, learning and stacking sats!
Wow, stacker news is so cool now
Hip with the kids
I'm new in the industry, starting in packaging but want to move out of there
Started as a janitor and now I am the manufacturing manager. Never be afraid to grow and show initiative/interest in expanding your role.
I don't have a nursery but I have a plant that already has its flowers or buds
Damn! That's so beautiful. The world needs more of them. It's weird how people say money doesn't grow on trees. Maybe not a tree technically, but herb is about the one thing I want to spend (sound) money on. It's like the bitcoin standard in herb form.
If I give love to that plant so that it will then give love to me
Thats the deal!
Sounds like a fairly sweet deal!
Let me start a discussion on:
How regularly do you smoke?
Daily for testing strains.
Lol, you can't complain 😂
How do you feel about it?
Prefer not need too. Learned so much I know what I can use to address my health now without being stoned.
Do you think it can heal speech disorders like stuttering or stammering?
If you do, what's the best breed you can recommend? 🤔
hmm so on this look at cbd and cbdv. CBD helps with that part of the brain but cbdv targets hard points that cause stress point in autism.
52 sats \ 1 reply \ @F 17 Dec 2023
what's the best strain of weed you've ever grown?
have you ever bred your own cannabis, and if so, how do you pick which males and females to use?
T-1000 and purple ak-47. I do and its a process of traits you want to pass on. So you pick male and females based on traits you like from both/ how they grow and bloom.
Where can I build my greenhouse ? 😆

🍀 🍁🍃 🥦🎄🌲🌳🌱🌿☘️🍃

Anywhere on land you own! Dont forget to grow some food too! I love breeding peppers too!
Thanks for reminding me about the food :)
Nice try, fed. :) Only kidding. I can't resist if it's even remotely appropriate
Haha whole point of this is not to be afraid to share shit. I literally make a shit ton of products daily. Plus hemp is legal ;). Any questions i am here. I just made 300 infused cupcakes for new years. Heres my consulting logo.
I'm an old man who doesn't understand this newfangled stuff. I was buying ounces of what we called Mexican skunk weed for 15 bucks in the early 70s.
haha that was my dads era! Thais sticks and shit right? SHit is way more strong now and tbh scary its gotten so pure. I am more of an advocate for hemp based products that help specific issues.
Yes. It's a whole new ball game that takes some time getting used to. I take a CBD sleep aid that I actually think is effective. I don't know if it's a placebo effect or what. I guess it doesn't matter.
Nah man it works! Look into CBN its the cannabinoid that helps with going to sleep.
If you have problems going to sleep you should ask yourself why. Most likely because of the way you live your life, lack of healthy relationships etc. Just sort yourself out then you will have good, healthy sleep too.
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @joelaw 17 Mar
I dig it. New to stacker.news, but seasoned in this territory. Happy to be here.
Glad to welcome ya.
Get off weed and use the time and money you save for more productive things.
Valid point unless you grow it ;) Though my point to you would be I was on pharmaceutical drugs for stuff and this plant helped me get me off them. Also I am not talking getting stoned just the beneficial compound being used.
We are starting to see so many health benefits from "banned" substances like THC/cbd and psilocybin
So many different compounds and benefits we banned and now are just starting to research these chemicals openly.
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Nah I get where hes coming from. Not everyone has good experiences with this plant or have been taught to only look at it as a net negative to society. But same people drink alcohol usually....
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