Adopted Graphene as my daily driver.
Was going to get podcast 2.0 app going but instead migrated my stacker login. The ease of linking and unlinking login methods is really nice.
Have been carrying around two phones for a bit now and find my self gping back to iOS less and less.
Fingers memorozing the new keyboard and such.
Missing so far: Spotify, Discord, Meetup.
Hoping to replace those eventually with something else but there's some friction to be smoothed out.
Obtanium app store is neat and all i've used so far. Browser for email stuffs since I need them for kiddo school things and other things in normie land.
Debating a Mullvad VPN and open to ideas.
Its been refreshing to have excellent battery life since my apps arent comstantly tracking me.
Mulling over how to get my wife to care about privacy. And more importantly, my kids. Planning to start them on Linux so there's that.
Thanks for reading my ramblings.