Blocks are getting filled with bare multisig outputs and it's an obvious troll from people that hate Bitcoin. Let me explain.
Multisig currently can be done in many ways, but before p2sh (BIP0013), the only way to do multisig was through putting the many pubkeys on-chain. As ECDSA doesn't really let you aggregate keys, outputs had to specify something like "3-of-5 of these pubkeys." The normal UTXOs have the following number of bytes:
p2pkh:25 p2sh:23 p2wpkh:22 p2wsh:34 p2tr:34
By contrast the n in the k-of-n bare multisig determines the number of bytes and it's 5 + 34 * n (my math might be off, but around there). So for 3-of-5, it's upwards of 170 bytes. But that's using compressed keys. For uncompressed keys, you it's 5 + 66 * n or 335 bytes+, and worse, you can put in illegitimate uncompressed keys (keys that are provably have no private key) to add data to the chain
Why does this matter? Because these bytes stay in the UTXO set, which is what Bitcoin software optimizes for because that's how you validate that a transaction is a not double spend and satisfies the conditions of the smart contract that locked it.
What's worse, if the pubkeys are unspendable (uncompressed keys that are not real points on the secp256k1 curve), then they'll never be pruned. So the UTXO set grows larger and requires more resources for your typical node runner.
Interestingly, this was how the whitepaper was embedded into the Bitcoin blockchain by putting pieces of the whitepaper pdf in 64 byte chunks through uncompressed pubkeys. Luke's Eligius pool was one of the first to ban such transactions because they were clearly bloating not just the blockchain, but the UTXO set.
That's what these trolls are doing. They're adding to the UTXO set that's not easily prunable, though now, I'm guessing some people will add pruning for UTXOs with multisig outputs that don't have any legitimate keys.
Pure madness. Makes it hard for a lightning node operator to justify managing channels at the moment.
red for days
NGL much of this went over my head. Clearly I have a lot to learn!
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. Hanlon's razor applies.
Thanks for the hot take! wtf the fees are like 10% of the transaction, are there any miners or pools suspect in this?
Let me remind everyone: fees go to those responsible for creating the template in the first place aka pools. So.. if these tx were not sent to the mempool in the first place (guessing) one can say that its like moving your money from your right pocket to the left one.
Its time for a response, we shouldn't be putting up with all this BS. Weak minded "censor cry babies" self perceived bitcoiners have been advocating ordinal and inscription nonsense falling for the narratives scammers and griffters fed them.
Adversaries peeing and shitting on top of bitcoin blockchain should be met with full force. Its time for some changes and to stop being woke about it.
USAF is comming.
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Pumping overall fees, attacking the network, etc.
Pumping overall fees this way even don't cost you anything if you are the one who actually mines these blocks.
So, if I were the bigger mining pool, there might be a profit in it for me to push these transactions out,
It definitely costs more since it's in the scriptpubkey and not the witness field, about 4x as much. I'm pretty sure they're trolling. This is far worse than inscriptions.
Pretty expensive trolling.
Just wait it out. Game theory
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Most of the past day's blocks have a tx like this (from the most recent block):
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You’d be surprised how much fiat is available in the troll world.
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That's how I interpret this. On the bright side, it's making all other sats go up in value!
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