I was analyzing the economy of Argentina today and ised this website with global economic data.
Now look at this indicators: stock market cap of several countries. The ranking.
And just take the market cap of Bitcoin about 750 billion for a moment. Yes I know the price of Bitcoin increased recently above 40 K USD.
If you look at the ranking you see there are only 15 countries witha stock market cap higher than 750blion usd.
This is a great story and chart.
It tells me that:
1 the Bitcoin is a significant factor for a lot of countries. 2. People in these countries could save in Bitcoin instead of buying stocks. 3. That especially small countries and islands could benefit from investing in Bitcoin as it can help their economies. 4. Bitcoin might be eating some market cap of some countries already.
What do you see in this graph?
What is the story?
We are so early!
Keep an eye on that Indian market!
Yeah let me check it. What do you know that I don’t know? Tell me where to look.
It is growing faster than the Chinese market did the last 20 years. Next 20 belongs to India.