What linux distro do yall use for your day-to-day stuff? Just started the linux journey in the past 2 weeks and I'm kinda overwhelmed at the options. Have tried out Ubuntu and Mint (using this on desktop and it's crashed on me like 4 times already). Anything else worth trying for someone new? I think after the annoyances I've had with Mint so far, I value stability a lot. Just need shit to work and have a good UI/UX. Thanks yall!
All the roads to a final user lead to Debian. Rock solid.
Debian is the mother of Ubuntu and other distributions. It's all I use at home.
Pro tip: Choosing a Linux-friendly PC to run your distro of choice will go a long way toward getting a great everyday Linux experience.
Try to avoid a machine with an Nvidia GPU. They generally do not have the best compatibility with Linux. I have heard that they are now ok if you run X instead of Wayland and manually install the proprietary drivers. However, X is less secure than Wayland and is in the process of being deprecated.
In general, laptops with all Intel hardware do really well with Linux. Especially business class Thinkpads.
AMD CPUs should be fine as well, and they have been really improving their open source GPU drivers lately as well.
As for distros, Ubuntu and Pop!_OS are usually recommended for beginners.
Debian and Fedora are really great distros, but maybe more for intermediate users. However, you can still start your Linux journey with them if you are willing to put in the time and effort to configure them properly for your needs.
Hm this may be part of the issue as I have an Nvidia GPU. Appreciate the advice. I've heard about Pop!OS (believe Seth for Privacy recommends it). Will have to give it a spin
PopOS is the only distro that doesn't shit itself on NVIDIA or hybrid graphics; if you have to get a PC with either, Pop is the only distro you can use.
Personally, I recommend any non-soyd distro (Devuan for Debian, Artix for Arch) if you can get through installation and are willing to deal with the growing pains of them.
got popOS installed this morning and it's running good so far! like the look of everything as well. appreciate the help
I use both Ubuntu and Mint. I've never had it crash. Are you sure it's not your hardware?
I ask this as a very basic user of Linux, not a hardware or software professional.
I suppose it could be? I had problems with Mint when using it on a different laptop as well. Never had any issues with Windows for years prior. PC rig is pretty decent hardware wise. Idk
i was using POP_OS for a while, switched over to EndeavourOS this past year
what did you think of pop? why the switch? just curious!
i thought POP was dope, super easy to use right out of the box, and i liked their modern UI.
the switch was mainly because i was curious about arch, and for whatever reason liked the idea of an OS that was lightweight and more customizable so i switched over. i would stay away from arch unless you have a better understanding of linux in general though
I have been using Linux daily for 5 years. I have distro hopped and tried a lot of flavors - I gave up the tinkering with Linux when I realized how pointless it is while my laptop was compiling Gentoo in my freezer.
If I had to start over:
  • Pop OS if you want something that just works out the box.
  • Debian + KDE for daily use. super easy setup. Endgame distro.
  • Arch + KDE if you want to tinker. Advanced setup.
Everything else is pointless. For your case, I would just go with Pop OS. it is super beginner friendly.
NixOS is for people who knows how to code and are prepared to hack missing parts, but it's the only OS I managed to keep for years without literally self-destructing with updates and software installed.
It happened that it broke down bad a couple of times, but it was just a couple of minutes away from being running back again. 😎
Manjaro with Gnome is my goto. Tried fedora, Ubuntu, Suse, mandriva, knoppix, mint… none beat it. Very good out of the box and highly extensible.
Currently using PopOs on ThinkPad with good results. Heard good things about Fedora Workstation but I've never tried it.
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Debian is the best. If you go with Ubuntu, in order to use appimages, run the following command, "sudo apt install libfuse2"