Hello Bitcoin enthusiasts,
I'm Jay, CEO of Speed Wallet. Our team of 20 developers is dedicated to creating an exceptional Bitcoin spending experience with Speed Wallet.
We're seeking community feedback on our iOS and Android applications, and we're in the process of launching web and Chrome versions to offer an integrated experience across all platforms.
If you haven't tried Speed Wallet yet, you can download it here: https://onelink.to/speed-wallet
Your feedback is invaluable, and we're committed to actively implementing your suggestions.
Note - Speed wallet is custodial spending wallet. We do not recommend to use Speed wallet for storing bitcoins.
Regards, Jay
LOL 20 developers for a custodial wallet? WTF you guys are doing there to need so many devs?
Meanwhile open source and self-custodial wallets are made with 1-2 main developers ONLY ande mostly without VC funding...
Zeus - 1 main dev + some community help Blixt - 1 main dev + 2-3 community help Mutiny - 2 main devs + 1 OBW - 1 main dev Electrum - 1 main dev + community help ... and the list goes on and on
Zeus - 1 main dev + some community help Blixt - 1 main dev + 2-3 community help Mutiny - 2 main devs + 1 OBW - 1 main dev Electrum - 1 main dev + community help
Good observation
We offer two solutions under the Speed:
  1. Speed Wallet
  2. Speed for Merchants (similar to Stripe, but for Bitcoin Lightning payments)
Moreover, there is much that can be done on the wallet side to enhance user experience. So I don't think 2-3 dev is enough.
Good luck with that app. Merchant adoption is very important, I know and I am always pushing towards that.
My only concern is that paying 20 people is a huge cost, that in the end will be reflected onto those merchants, that then they will push it forward to their customers.
You see? From a simple pov you could create a cascade of other problems., Maybe for you is not a problem spending VCs money into 20 devs, but that always have repercussions in the end.
Is just my observation, you can do whatever you want.
We have multiple businesses and Speed is one of our product :) So don't worry !.
Please do try Speed wallet and let me know if you have any suggestion.
I just installed it and tested about 10 LN wallets. 9 were uselles, some with transfer fees greater than the amount to transfer! šŸ¤•
Speed wallet, was the last one tested, before I had to leave forever this ugly, not user friendly LN technology. These were my dark thoughts before... šŸ¤” šŸ™ˆ
But then, I found Speed wallet. It really rocks šŸš€
Thank you Jay for developing it and saving my novice tech life and my hope for Bitcoin mass adoption! šŸ’Ŗ
Wallet of Satoshi left the US market. Will Speed Wallet stick around? What makes you different, that you can stay?
I wish you success.
Really 20 developers? I hope it was a typo and it's 2, as I think that would be more than enough šŸ˜…
I don't know how a company can be profitable paying 20 monthly salaries to developers, especially in its first phase, I imagine that this has repercussions in the user fees, which I deduce are very high, otherwise it doesn't make sense to me.
How many workers are you in staff? Developers, managers, marketers, designers?
In my opinion regarding developers I think that 2 or 3 is great, you can always offer work to freelance developers for sporadic jobs when the workload is big.
In any case, best of luck with your project! Let's go lightning, we need more and more lapps!
lol, everyone is worried about 20 devs :)
With this much devs, I hope its the best thing since my use of @Alby
Fees seems to be little high compared to other like WoS
how do you think they have to feed all those 20 devs? With thin air?
Deep pockets :P
And a merchant solution ( www.tryspeed.com )
We are working on lowering the fee. Though we don't change any fee other than network fee in on-chain payments. While WoS charges 1%.
Hi, if your team has 20 developers i dont think you are going to make it. There is lots of competition in wallet space but also the revenue is very low. That being said i wish you all the best and hope you are not a scammer. Have a nice day sir.