Hello Stackers,
We've already had some uptake in people dropping tracks and creating posts within the sub, but I figured I'd add a welcome post to let you know I have now pulled all the Meta Music Mondays posts across to the Music Territory.
I'm beyond thrilled to see musicians using this space to promote their own original content I couldn't think of a better use than that and wish them all the best of luck with their projects.
Meta Music Mondays may ironically keep its name or just become a segment in my expanding music operation, I've got a few ideas that I intend to launch in the coming weeks and we'll see which ones land and which flop.
I'm excited to see this territory expand and become a hub for stackers to come and chat/share music with each other.
this territory is moderated
Where is the WC ? :)
Music is essential to our lives, and it is also essential to SN. Congratulations on the initiative !
WC, this is the wild west! it's anywhere you need it to be, just like a classic music festival its earth toilets and filthy portaloos. Think of me only as the guy with the banjo outside the saloon, chewing tobacco and spitting in a bucket.
deleted by author
You should take a look back through the meta Music Mondays posts, there's some really good discussions and some great recommendations in those threads. Hope you find something in there to your liking.