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  • flag/downzap them
  • feel free to mute them
  • every time they post they're paying us all
Maybe after certain threshold of trusted users flag the bot account as spam, then instead of a cowboy hat icon next to their name, a warning icon appears. This would help others to detect them and mute too.
every time they post they're paying us all
He is profiting tho.
11,854 sats stacked out of 96 posts (all spam), thats an average of 124 sats per post that he is farming.
No to mention he will also get sats from the reward polls.
And this guy seems to be using a second account to zap his own posts.
Zapping his own posts, losing 10% each time
But he will get sats from the reward poll distribution due top post, no?
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Obviously you can mute this account. Turns out I did, though I don't recall when or why. There was a burst of this crap a few weeks back, but I haven't noticed new ones lately.
that's weird. i also went to mute the account, and it also already showed muted, but i am 99% sure i didn't mute them. maybe some sort of shadowbanned situation?
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ah, that makes sense. i probably did just mute them before they changed their nym. i withdraw my baseless shadowban theory
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This is a really interesting baby "attack" that brings a bunch of important stuff to the fore. Imagine when 10x more people know about SN, what then?
There are a handful of really innovative things going on in SN. One of them is the imposition of real costs and incentives. If someone posts garbage, and others are posting non-garbage, the most obvious way to demote one and promote the other is by imposing a feelable cost on posting, and by users zapping valuable stuff.
I feel like users are generally quite lazy in their zapping -- aside from a small number of things that get a lot of engagement, there's a massive amount of stuff that gets nothing. Which means that, in the eyes of the system, a huge amount of stuff is equivalent. But I don't think it's really equivalent.
Perhaps the first step is for useful things to differentiate more through zapping; which is a user issue.
If a platform get spammers it means it's good enough to be noticed.
Let them innn!!!! (kidding 🤗)
Honestly it's very difficult to keep up with all their activities.
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