Bitcoin News attended the Adopting Bitcoin 2023 conference this week.
Here are a few observations from a first-timer on the ground in Bitcoin country:
  • El Salvadorans are in general a very friendly people, felt welcomed upon arrival
  • Some things are very cheap ($2 Uber rides across San Salvador), and some things are just as expensive as the US ($30 steak dinner)
  • San Salvador feels safe - walking around alone late at night with a cellphone out was no problem
  • There’s a general feeling of a country on the rise - roads are getting paved, new infrastructure popping up everywhere
  • Far from everyone trusts or uses Bitcoin - grassroots adoption is more powerful than top-down
  • The people are extremely thankful that Bukele stomped out the gangs
  • One complaint about Bukele is that he promised too much in his first term and hasn’t delivered on everything he said he would
  • Bitcoin beach is beautiful, but a lot less developed than you might think
  • Traffic in San Salvador at rush hour moves at a standstill
  • They give you a receipt for every single transaction, even drinks at a bar
  • Papusas are tasty and cheap, but are very heavy and might not sit well with you
TLDR: The vibes in El Salvador are very high. While Bitcoin adoption might not be everywhere or genuinely accepted by everyone, the country is certainly miles ahead of nearly everyone else in this regard. The positive economic direction the country is in leads to people being happy in general.
Papusas → Pupusas !
Thanks for the report! <3 great to hear about safety -- this is such an important issue for many of us who saw crime and violence rise in less than a couple of decades.
Sounds like a winner to me 🏆!!!
The observations from the Adopting Bitcoin 2023 conference in El Salvador highlight significant progress in infrastructure and a positive economic direction, with Bitcoin playing a key role. The country's friendliness, safety, and affordability stand out, though Bitcoin adoption varies, showing grassroots impact over top-down approaches. Challenges like traffic and unmet political promises exist, but overall, El Salvador's vibe and advancements, especially in Bitcoin adoption, are notable.
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I agree with @nemo that if you surf you will probably love the lifestyle, might be lacking in culture at the moment if you’re used to a more developed country. Definitely seems like a good time to be an entrepreneur there to get in at the ground floor of a boom.
I don't surf, but i ride my OneWheel a lot. I doupt the roads and trafic would be decent.
Surprising amount of bike lanes in San Salvador, but very very hilly
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No. But i do undersand it entirely :) My language is very similar to spanish.
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I will try to visit it next year, i've seen some videos on youtube and felt it was bit underdeveloped. My dream is actually living in a Van and exploring the world.
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wut? ticos drive pretty tranquilo but not necessarily good. Colombians drive like crazy rabbits on cocaine. Pura Vida!
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