This article is dedicated to all new those new users that start now or want to start now running a BTC/LN node and also a request to all LN developers that they have eyes and ears to listen to what LN users say.
The post is too long to be posted here and also could be lost in the sea of other news links.
But I open it as a discussion here, please hate me, applaud me, insult me or enjoy my rage if you want. All will be accepted.
I just want to be heard by all BTC/LN community and if you have something to add, please add your experience and requests too.
great write up, will be getting a lightning node once raspberry pi4 price dies down. Seems there are so much more to it than I expected, and here I thought channel rebalancing etc would be the most complicated part.
Great article.. if I can summarize in one sentence "Do not run a lightning node on raspberry pi hoping to make money"
Making money is a wet dream. Making only the channel opening costs back for breakeven is what I'm actually interested about.
I get the impression that most lightning software is written by sandle wearing greasy long hairs that get driven around in a prius by their older girlfriend and are more concerned about "activism" than maintaining world-class software
Bitcoin incentivizes encripted connectivity
Here is my controversial take. It seems that a lightning node needs to be combined with something before sats truly start flowing. Simply placing yourself between two high trafficked nodes only makes you a middle man for lack of a better term and not provide much value so it makes sense not much money to be made there i guess.
Yeah. It makes sense if you are: A Router A Bank (provide LN to your friends) An Enterprise
Good advice. I think anyone who have been running a routing node know there are alot of work that need to be done. Big nodes are not for the average novice user. Start small. There is no easy money to be made and lightning is still reckless!
I believe there’s a typo after the Darth Vader meme (I am hot here). As a LN beginner the post was indeed easy to comprehend, thanks a lot!
I too think Umbrel's collection of irrelevant apps is a weird distraction and security risk. I don't want anything running in proximity of my LN node - that things got hard money in it.