Everything here runs smoothly, there's no corporate greed, it can be interconnected with other services, and the community is awesome.
It reminds me of the good times of the web 1.0, but with the benefits of the latest technologies like lightning.
It's a magical place, let's keep it like this!⚡
Yes I'm getting used to SN as a primary way to seek bitcoin related news
Same. This project is already a great success.
OG Bitcoiner here - your post inspired me to finally make a SN account and try out lightning and I must say I'm pretty giddy how well everything works!
My "journey":
  • install Alby browser extension and create account on getalby.com to generate lightning adress
  • install BlueWallet on mobile and import wallet there (optional but nice2have)
  • install Muun wallet on mobile and fund with some Bitcoin (on-chain)
  • finally, use Muun wallet to send sats to lightning address
Took a while, but once everything is set up it works like magic!
forgot the last point :)
  • use Alby to login to SN
I only discovered SN a day or so ago but I'm already addicted.
Indeed I love here:)
Agree with everything you said! SN rules.
Best part is that you can use its infrastructure to send internet money through its pipes like magic.
I've been here a few days, and everyday I find myself coming back for more. SN is electric.
ya keyan has something really special here
Is this an old site? I was using y'all's.org but SN is way better