Growth and unity14.3%
Education and outreach42.9%
Technical innovation0.0%
Regulatory challenges0.0%
Adoption by institutions28.6%
7 votes \ poll ended
The future is dark... because (I have to repeat myself) people are retarded and will comply whatever any gov would says and will accept CBDCs in a blink.
What do you think of the possibility of bitcoin oriented monastic communities? I'm thinking of communities that form up because of a shared value system and wanting to opt out of the mainstream social system?
I put education and outreach but I want to be more specific. Basically institutional adoption doesn't mean shit (except pumping bags and not even then if rehypothecation is at play), but education and outreach in Bitcoin community efforts (Bitcoin beach/Bitcoin park/Bitcoin Ekasi style) specifically is where the future is at.
Technological innovation is important too though, but not everyone is gonna be working on that (things like channel factories, timeout trees, and the like)
institutional adoption doesn't mean shit
THIS! I really do not understand why bitcoiners are cheering up when a big institution/company/ is accumulating shit tons of bitcoin and think that is good for bitcoin and for them (that they have some meaningless sats in their bags).
It is amazing how many people still have fiat money in a bank and they chearing up when Saylor is buying more BTC LOL! Guys, YOU should be the ones having more BTC then all these institutional fuckers. Because will come the day when they will create some kind of bullshit token over BTC and lend it to you, the slave that ignored to buy shit tons of BTC when was the time.
People deserve to be fucked, seriously, I can't believe there are so dumb people in this world.
education >
Institutions 100%.
The beginning of the most recent episode of the Empire podcast talks about how eager tradfi instituinal $$$ are to jump into the pending BTC ETF. Link:
You got a long way to go brother. You got a long way to go. Its okay though, take it day by day. You'll get there.