Hello, there are many ways to exchange Bitcoin for Lightning, but how can I exchange Lightning for Bitcoin? Are there links, apps, etc.? My search engine is obviously at a loss.
Sats which is on Lightning Network is still Bitcoin, no need to exchange. I usually take it to an exchange that support both Network and voila! I can take it out anyhow I want
Thank you! You're great!
robosats boltz Deezy
RoboSats is the one of the best tools out there, second one is boltz.exchange.
Strike app is a good way to get Bitcoin for Fiat and then you can send it on chain or via lightning invoice. I use it to boost liquidity and/or add on chain.
You can also send lightning sats to Strike and then send on chain. My favorite thing is that Strike will batch transactions on chain and offer to send with no fee if you are not in a hurry. Great when Mempool fees are high.
Here's an invite link to get $5 USD
Strike is AML/KYC but How it works is that it connects to your bank or debit card for funding so the bank/credit union handles the AML/KYC and it's done.
You can also buy Fiat with Bitcoin and you can send that Fiat to other Strike users. Finally you get a lightning easy address to get zapped. E.g. ogfomk@strike.me
Submarine swap services :)
Probably the easiest and most hassle free way for me has been with https://exch.cx/. The swaps are near instant but it is still a custodial service so be aware of that. They also support TOR if you care for additional privacy.
I use Muun. But it’s not recommended for some reason. I have never had an issue. Usually do between 1-3m sats.
One of the easiest way to move from ON Chain to Lightning or from LN to On Chain is using Coinos.io
You have to know that you're using a custodial services.
Other way is using Phoenix wallet where you can fund your LN wallet from an on chain transaction and also you can send LN funds to an on chain address.