Full disclosure I had a small holding of Reddit moons, earned through mostly shit posting and sarcastic/tongue in cheek comments.
Moons were a community token earned to members of the r/cryptocurrency subreddit Through a karma system.
Reddit announced that they were "sunsetting" community tokens citing regulatory compliance.
Long story short, the price of moons tanked as their use case just evaporated.
But, why's it good, lots of people got absolutely rekt with this you ask? Well... After another hard lesson learnt what I am seeing is many many many comments saying "f this, only BTC is safe from rugpulls" and they're right.
It's a very tough lesson but we just saw 6.9million members get rugged. Let's optimistically say half of those aren't bots. That's 3.45million people experiencing in some way, this rugpull by Reddit. (who you know got out before they made the announcement).
3.45mil people who just found out the hard way that bitcoin is the only option safe from being rugged.
Lessons are sometimes hard to swallow, but this one sure strengthened my resolve in BTC.
Reddit to Discontinue Community Points Citing Scalability and Regulatory Issues, Sparking Community Backlash