lel when you conscript your entire population, "gun control" doesn't mean much. The control is elsewhere at that point
I was thinking more along the lines of hearing repeated stories of defenseless families being slaughtered in their homes. The visceral impact would inspire the wish to at least "take one of them out with you" when your loved ones are about to be killed. These repeated stories and images also must shake people's faith in trusting your government to protect you. At least I hope so.
Worst case scenario you can take yourself out rather than getting butchered by the butchers. I don't mean to be dark but I would rather go on my own terms.
Exactly. You can blast the guy in front of you and get in the way of your wife and kids. Who knows? You or them might get lucky. That split second between hunting and being hunted ratchets up the stress level, causing mistakes.
Self defense is a natural right.
Gun control is an invasion of a natural or inalienable right.
Guns at home would have saved some lives for these people who got attacked by Hamas when there was no miliary around yet. One couple, who had guns, that way saved their kids lives, hiding them in shelter, and managed to kill seven attackers before got killed.
It can help, but not against the rockets.
Yeah. I think personal iron domes are pretty pricey:)
We'll get there, at some point - 3D printing and other developments in tech helps. :)
Lockheed, Raytheon, Boeing, one or all of them are already there probably
Don't think they sell such things to private individuals. And I was talking about self-made tech. Like improvements in 3D printing and Internet have improved ability for any individual to make gun at home.
They've already got bomb shelters in pretty much every home. Weapons against paramotoring gunmen? That they did not have.
I don't think it will help. They'll just say that this demonstrates why Israel should have been more strictly restricting Palestinian gun ownership.
Of course you're right. I'm just wondering if the stories will inspire any sense that in certain circumstances you can't rely on anyone but yourself.
Those who are going to get it already get it.
Israeli's are still a lot more prepared than the rest of the world due their mandatory inscription. I'm sure they all at least know how to use a gun.
Internationally....IDK. Pretty skeptical about that happening in Australia.
What if Japan decides to invade again!
We're sitting ducks
Gun Control laws should be in every country
By the time you realize how wrong your are about gun control, you'll be dead.
You don't want to own a gun that's your business. If you or anyone tells someone that they can't well you can go fuck yourself.
History of Gun Control Documentary....
What have governments done to earn your boundless trust?