I got inspired while working on Noderunners Radio and their Jukebox Bot, and realized that you could create streaming jamsessions, live.
I've seen it work. Bass player in Madrid, Singer in Berlin, Guitarist someplace else. All jamming, real time, sans-latency.
When latency does become in issue, you can still jam. Sync over midi, just have a bar or two delay. I've seen musicians go for hours on end like that. Each of them in their own home, grooving to music they create on the fly.
Now imagine that with an audience, able to control camera/lights over midi.
Add in streaming sats.
All the puzzle pieces are there, however, there is no nicely integrated way to use, what are now 4+ pieces of open source software, in one coherent way.
The universal languange of music, that speaks directly to the soul, across borders and bounderies, just like bitcoin, and I think that could bootstrap entire communities. Where the musicians go, the audience will follow.
This could be something that beats the network effects of existing streaming platforms. And once it works for music, there is no reason why it won't work for other content too.
I want to turn this world of ours, into one (or multiple) giant jamsession(s).
I've got some preliminary design work ready. But my coding skills are limited to some basic html/css, and even that is not my specialty. I've no funds for this big dream. Only my time and effort. I'm reaching out now to find likeminded individuals who can see what I'm talking about happening and make it work.
Quickest way to reach me is usually via x/twitter DM or email below.
If you want to learn more, find and tag me in the @noderunnersFM telegram here.
This is super cool! Is the project still up? This brings together a lot of big passions of mine - music, Bitcoin, software development, innovations... I'd love to look a bit more into it
Sounds great, all I do is rap or sing but if it makes money AND helps a dream, I'm down to get involved