LOL.. keep reading everywhere that Milei, the dollarizing guru is pro bitcoin.
He is not pro bitcoin. Get your facts straight.
Not sure why some bitcoiners are so desperate to find heroes only falling for whatever BS narrative in order to pump themselves. Just cut the crap will'ya?
His campaign government plan doesn't even mention bitcoin once, also his past experience with "crytpo" was all about getting paid to promote a scam.
Argentina faces a critical presidential election on October 22, with Javier Milei, a pro-Bitcoin candidate, challenging the status quo by vowing to abolish the central bank. His opponent, Sergio Massa, proposes a central bank digital currency (CBDC). High inflation and a massive IMF debt add to the economic challenges. Milei's unconventional stance and pro-Bitcoin views may impact the election's outcome, with potential repercussions for Argentina and global finance.
Is he pro btc? cause i havent heard him talk much about btc.. I heard he wants to dollarize the country he wants to shut down argentina central bank only to bow to the american FED.. Is he really pro btc? please elaborate