Compared to the topics I'll eventually come to write about, once I get time of course, this post will be relatively shorter by comparison; an introduction, justification of this account's existence beyond wanting a cool username from a still niche anime despite its burgeoning popularity in recent years, and the topics I plan to discuss in long form on this account.

Everything Else Past The Prolouge

(Actual) Introduction

I'm @ryu; politically and financially controversial, in regards to the state of the world and the solutions to it and my opinions on anything not Bitcoin respectively. Not much will be different about how I conduct myself on this account aside from longer posts (articles) and comments, since I've had complaints about falling into zoomer tendencies interacting with users here. My apologies.
If you care for my political opinions, you can find on literally any other platform openly discussing them on the hyperlinked LibertyLinks page on my main profile; you're welcome if you end up agreeing with me, or politely disagreeing. It'd be refreshing.

Why The Usern(ym)ame Was Chosen

As I told @siggy47 when replying to his welcome post upon this profile's creation, I took what I had assumed would already be a held username. Surprising was the fact that it wasn't taken, and once I had it I figured it would be scummy of me to just squat over the username. I don't know how many stackers are anime fans, or even weebs... and I especially don't know the likely smaller amount of those stackers who are fans of, or even have watched Serial Experiments Lain, but I was determined not to earn their ire squating on a name like "lain."
The decision not to squat this account was easy; picking what I would do with it was not, especially with my proclivity to get into writer's block easily. Just look at my Substack as an example of how bad it can get; I promise it'll get worked on, especially since I have a newly found job to keep.

The Topics

This part will be significantly shorter, thank God.
  • The viability of a small number of altcoins alongside Bitcoin, and what appropriate use cases for each would be. In tandem, discussion and opinion alike will be shared about those I feel are actively detrimental to Bitcoin's continued trajectory not just as internet money, but actual money by influencers and corporations that pretend to care about its success and accessibility while doing everything to kneecap it. Yes, Drivechains will be mentioned.
*This will be the only article here pertaining to Bitcoin and altcoins, since it'd be jarring to post something this long on the main account.
  • Shorter opinions on anime I watch as I get back into active consumption of it; Lain is exempt because too many people on YouTube have made far better videos regarding its plot, imagery, and philosophical elements. Depending on the length of the anime, I'll discuss it either in whole, or in seasonal chunks.
  • Longer but still brief pieces talking about consumer electronics, both modern and older, from a usability and design standpoint. We need a modern computer that looks like an X68000 or an FM Towns, goddammit. Yes, I did change my mind about some technical discussion being had.
  • Whatever else I can think of. I can't edit and add on more in only ten minutes after posting, so this gives me some flexibility on discussable topics that aren't controversial. So no politics, sorry not sorry.
I hope no stacker, new or old, ever makes an introduction post this long ever again. But if you read it all, or if anyone like DarthCoin gets upset I'm not a Bitcoin maxi (yet), feel free to leave comments here. Comments of vitriol at my not being a maxi can be left on my main profile's comments section.
Good night Stacker News, I've got work in the fucking morning.
Don't worry, I am not judjung you for not being a maxi yet. Important is that you have that in mind and want to learn. I always admire people that want to learn, especially from their own mistakes. Here is your "cheatsheet" towards the bitcoin maxi path:
GN 🫡