Story time:
My healthy, athletic weight as a 3 sport athlete in high school and avid weightlifter into college was 220 lbs. Since being diagnosed with a brain condition and prescribed medication, with a combination of not being active and not eating healthy for years, I put on about 130 pounds to an all time high of 352 pounds during Covid.
Since falling down the Bitcoin rabbit hole, I have learned a lot more about health. Eat meat. 1 ingredient foods. Water only. No seed oils. Intermittent fasting. Lift weights. The list goes on. I've employed all of these things on an off for the past year, but I got real serious about them about a month ago. Since disciplining myself, I have lost 37 pounds. Over the past 2 weeks I've lost 2-3 pounds a day. I honestly can't believe it! I prayed to God for more discipline, and it happened.
My goal is to lose another 95 pounds to get back down to my healthy weight of 220 pounds. I have received sooooo much encouragement from Bitcoiners on Twitter. If you want to follow along with my journey, search the hashtag #NEEDhealth on Twitter, or follow me @NEEDcreations. Thanks for reading my story. If I can offer one piece of advice on what I've learned, it's that you need to believe in yourself and realize that only YOU can decide to accomplish your goals and put your thoughts into ACTION. No one else can do it for you. You need to be your own biggest cheerleader. Discipline and consistency is EVERYTHING. And I'd also add that diving deeper into my faith has aided me along the way. I recently finished "The Chosen" series, and it was FABULOUS. You can find it for free on YouTube. Take care everyone. - Phil