I need a video that has audio & lyrics for “The Maxi’s Anthem” no need for highend production, just a poem like voice reading the words with lyrics synced and ₿ pics in the background changing as the rhythm flows. Open for negotiations; Find my email in my bio;
In the realm of Bitcoin's embrace, I find my sacred space, A maximalist's devotion, a creed I truly embrace. Satoshi, our divine guide, in code did He confide, The algorithm's sacred dance, with 21 million as its stance.
In this hymn to Nakamoto's grace, I sing of a finite race, A capped market, pure and chaste, against fiat's endless chase. Fiat, a false god, its sins untold, in debts and lies it's often sold, But Bitcoin shines with virtues bold, a savior from the depths of cold.
A religious fervor in each transaction, I stack satoshis with deep satisfaction, An act of faith, a holy attraction, against the fiat's endless distraction. The whitepaper, our scripture, in cryptography's encrypted picture, A vision of a world that's richer, decentralized, and void of stricture.
Bitcoin, not just a coin but a revelation, a digital salvation, In this decentralized congregation, I find my own foundation. A testament to human ingenuity, a call for sovereign unity, A path to financial purity, in this digital community.
So, I stand as a maxi, with beliefs that are unwavering and true, In the promise of Satoshi's view, for a world that's born anew. In Bitcoin's grace, I find my place, in this sacred cyberspace, A maximalist's hymn, a timeless chase, toward financial freedom's embrace.
40,000 sats paid
SatoshisVoice's bounties
I love these bounties for specific tasks. This is how will start bitcoin circular economy. I have some basic skills in video editing but not enough to apply to your request. Guys, dont't zap me, zap OP.
@DarthCoin i am willing to work with any bitcoiner, if its you i will be honored By the way my irl firm runs on ₿ circular economy
thanks for invitation, but I am sure are many more skilled bitcoiners here
Ok ok I appreciate your help finding someone Also i posted a job and havent gotten any reply to it But 1 inquiry that ddnt follow up with the zoom meeting Any guidance is appreciated from the dark force
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Can you vid edit? Or just be lost in the sea?
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Gotta few people looking to find you, hang in there
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You love echoing my sig statement?
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send u mail
Thank you @drbronk Your work was amazing I settled the bounty here and sent the other amount on your pct wallet yesterday Thanks again
I just replied to your email; hope to hear back from you at your earliest convenience!
If bounty got paid off SN how can i make it show here that it was received? @DarthCoin