No, but for real.
Haven't posted on SN for about 2 weeks – still receive 30-40 sats every day...
Now extrapolate this to ANY user-generated content on the web... Imagine all of your interactions generating real money FOREVER.
Think about all the great content you created & shared over the years on Reddit, Twitter, and maybe even YouTube.
Think about how you could probably be earning $200-$300 per month off of content you generated a couple of years ago.
This is truly revolutionary.
Stacker News will be the one to prove this actually works. 🤝
The one interesting point that I think we are now missing is making meaningful connections between the content and between the various posts from the past.
If someone made a post/comment 2 years ago, and today that post/comment is exactly what I need to see... how can Stacker News connect me to this content? How can older content still bring value to people?
I don't have this well thought out, but we see that some folks are trying to provide context to posts and they link to previous mentions and relevant links too.
Maybe there's something... :) @k00b fwiw :)
I think allowing users to curate lists/bookmarks of certain types of content would help. Then having an automated related area under each post.
For some reason I don't like the idea of having a "context" area. I think it's because it's just one user who provides context currently probably because they want to help + it's easier than producing original thoughts on the content.
Yeah, I know, I definitely don't think it should make the UX more complicated, introduce yet another "concept", that's the biggest worry. Maybe it would be worth looking into what are the different types of situations that people face with context and maybe some types could be handled by different features.
There were definitely times where I found the content of the context comment useful. I scanned through the podcast timeline, or just read through the summarized point of the article (and decided not to actually read the article).
On the other hand there were definitely times where it felt spammy and I wished I wouldn't need to scroll through it...
Agreed, it's not useless in all cases. But the value is negligible if not negative in most cases.
@kr suggested I make replies to yourself also 10x each time.
I understand what you mean...
However, if you think about it, on what occasions do you stumble across older content that brings you value today?
For me, the straightforward answer is through a Search engine. I often google things like: "Best in-ear headphones Reddit"
I guess the questions are:
  1. Is the right place to solve this problem here on SN?
  2. And what additional value, if any, would a feature like this have for users? Would it also have negative incentives / implications? (Reddit is probably the best case to study)
Why people are obsessed with "passive income"? Even the term express such laziness and stupidity.
Income is something that you did something, you worked hard and in exchange you you get an income. If is not something that comes from your own creativity, work, energy spent on doing something, that means is NOT an income, you are just fooling yourself.
That's precisely why I wrote it LikE tHIS
I can finally write erotic stories about making love to my ASIC's and get paid. What a time to be alive.