My fellow Americans, you’re an amazing bunch. You’ve grown up in a culture that implores you (us) to forge our own path. And you do it. You do it on the regular. You’ve done it on the regular for decades on end. It’s fucking impressive. On any given day in any corner of the world, there is some sort (I say “sort” bc 330M people come in all shapes, flavors and styles) of American doing their best to leave the world better than how they found it. More often than not, I think my compatriots act in good faith. Sure, there are plenty of shitheads out there, but statistically-speaking, that’s bound to happen, ya know? Any nation is guilty of this.
I love my people, warts and all, so please let the record show I’m coming from a place of love.
We need to tone down the ‘Murica-centric takes on Bitcoin and what it means to be a Bitcoiner. Why? I’m glad you asked!
At the end of the day, what we’re talking about is a protocol. It’s quite literally for every human on Earth, so stop it with the US-centric hot takes. Your ignorance is showing. If it holds true that Bitcoin is for literally everyone, then the narratives one could apply to the Bitcoin protocol are equally never-ending. You guys are just coming across as self-absorbed narcissists who paint the world in extremely ignorant broad strokes. STAHP.
Bitcoiners don’t need to eat meat, they don’t need to procreate, they don’t need to believe in Jesus, they don’t need to be skeptical of climate change, they don’t need to be pro-guns. Get the fuck out of here if you think the small majority of gun-toting Americans have it right in the only country on Earth that suffers multiple mass shootings on the daily. You can pull your heads out of your asses on that one in particular. I've been to over 80 countries and confidently report back that most of the world thinks American gun fanatics are psychopaths. Sorry, not sorry.
What Bitcoiners do need to do is recognize that inflation is theft, that we need to separate government from money, and that human civilization is better off when we use hard money, because hard money is honest and true. Money connects us all and we just need to agree that truth needs to be integral in our public ledger.
Actually, if we're being honest, the term "Bitcoiner" should fade into oblivion because quite literally every human on Earth will be utilizing the protocol, so perhaps we should lay the "Bitcoiner" labels, preconceptions, etc. to rest?
So anyhoo, if your maxi ass has been stacking sats as long as you purport online, then you should at a minimum have a bit of expendable income and able to afford some international travel. Even better if you can figure out a way to work 100% online. Get out of your US-centric comfort zones, go travel (no, don’t be an insufferable tourist but a TRAVELER), walk a mile in someone else’s shoes, then come back home and bring a bit of perspective to your Bitcoin worldview. We’ll all be better off for it, I promise.
The writing will be better, the stories will be more interesting, and hopefully the Bitcoiners will be orange pilling people along the way like little Bitcoin Johnny Appleseeds.
Am I out to lunch with all of this? Roast my take if so.
Sincerely, just a pleb.