Hello there,
I have an inportant question. Are you saving some money for your child in bitcoin? My wife is pregnant now and we decide to create bitcoin wallet for our child. We will send something about $25 every monts until our child will be adult. Its 18 years nad 9 months of saving and i hope my child will have better live with bitcoin.
After my son (yes it will be son) will 3-4 years old, i will create Lightning Network wallet for him. Than he will recieve some satoshi for homework, good results in school, etc... My vision is gamification of this rewards. I already begin developing of little game for him. Satoshis will be some kind of experience which he will recieve for homeworks and good acting. More satoshis is more experience and more experience is way for badges and rewards. For example: You recieve 100 000 satoshi for helping at home in one month? OK, now you can choose one game for Playstation 8 and I will buy it for you.
How about you? Are you saving some money in bitcoin for your children? How about Satoshi gamification reward system?