Gotta admit, after using Lightning + Bitcoin in the real world; for both trade over the internet (coding/consulting) as well as at a POS (lattes, cookies) - it does feel like two separate systems. You need a separate type of wallet, separate type of address and fixed addresses is not a solved problem yet so unlike Bitcoin you can't just stick a QR on the counter and have people pay you like that. And then explaining to normies there are these 2 different types of Bitcoin is annoying.
These are merely UX and surmountable technical challenges that I assume will get ironed out to the point where they both feel as 'one again' someday but on the other hand if the anti-Segwit crowd got there way I can't help but imagine if we would not already have super (maybe not lightning, but 'good enough') transaction speeds and low fees on the native chain; complete with the benefit of fixed addresses and all the features of existing wallets.
Or maybe now is a good time to take a gander at Bitcoin Cash to see the state of thing there....
Bitcoin will never go forward without LN. LN cannot exist/work without base onchain.
Who do not understand this simple concept, is a fucking MORON.
Whatever your perspective, one truth remains: Bitcoin’s journey is far from over, and its road ahead may yet hold surprises. Reflecting on the SegWit saga offers insights into human nature, technological evolution, and the dynamics of a community engaged in building something unprecedented. The debate surrounding SegWit and the Lightning Network is a testament to the vibrancy of the Bitcoin ecosystem, an ecosystem that continues to evolve, challenge, and inspire.
This is true. Bitcoin is just a young boy and LN is just a baby... we have a looong way to the top if we wanna rock'n'roll