There are a lot of great tools available for managing open source software on your own server, but they all require an ease with the command-line, the ability to work out problems when they arise, figuring out backups, and how to harden your server against internet threats.
With Federated Computer you can use Open Source software without the need to be a system admin. If that bugs you, sorry. Lot's of people have better things to do in life than learn how to run and manage a server. For $39 a month per domain USD/BTC (that's 148,395 sats today) you get a private server (automatically managed by Federated), Nextcloud, Collabora, Jitsi, Element, Matrix, email server setup up for your domain, all the spam and blacklist protection built in, Listmonk, Vaultwarden, Baserow, Wireguard (configured for teams), Gitea (with pipelines to Caddy for publishing static websites), Castopod, Wordpress, and system wide user management. Backups are included. Human support is included. Federated Computer provides the convenience of SaaS with the freedom and flexibilty of open source.
If you have stacked 50,000 sats on Stacker News, we'll give you free service for 12 months. No cost.
I don't know; this looks too good to be true. I have two major concerns:
  1. They say that the user data is encrypted with the password and that they don't have access to it, but they don't explain how that is done or possible.
  2. I cannot find information on who is behind this company. They have suddenly popped out of nowhere and now they are running this ads all over the place on SN.
Day 4 of waiting for my questions to be answered :(
Honestly this smells like a scam, do not trust software provided by a third party on the internet. How can you know the software hasn't been tampered with, also 39$ a month is insanely steep for something that anyone can do after watching a youtube guide. Please get your own server and learn how to do this yourself
How is it any more of a scam than cloud Microsoft or Google?
$39 is actually a good deal (waaay cheaper than equivalent MS or Google offerings) when you consider the amount of software being offered, the fact you don't have to rent a VM, and you don't have to manage (or buy) the server.
And to be fair, not everyone can self-host.
I'm not affiliated, I do self host, but let's recognise that this is, on the face of it, is a better / cheaper / more private offer than google docs or microsoft cloud.
For those looking for self-hosted options (eeeeaaasy to self host), you could consider:
  • Start 9
  • Cloudron
  • Paying someone on upwork to set up your own linux server